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- Jun 21, 2018
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Has anyone else put this off for EVER? I was told they needed immediate removal 15 years ago, yes I've put it off for a while. I have an appointment June 30 at 10 am and already am freaking out
The biggest reasons for my extreme fear are I had a terrible dentist remove my top wisdom teeth one which wasn't numb and I told him several times but he said he was positive I was, really guy?! and just kept pulling it wasn't as terrible as it probably sounds really bad pain for a few seconds then my entire body went numb. The dentist who reffered me to a PLASTIC surgeon because in his words "your tooth roots on both sides are extremely long and run right threw the 2 main nerves in your face, there is a good chance you will look like you had a stroke if those are even slightly nicked, a PLASTIC surgeon has much more nerve experience than an oral surgeon" scared the crap out of me. My son broke his jaw at school and happened to end up with an INCREDIBLE oral surgeon who I started asking questions about my wisdom teeth 5 years ago lol I'm a procrastinator. I told him what the dentist had told me he was appalled and said that was literally the stupidest thing he ever heard.I told him that I seen the xray and my roots were really long and also noticed they were going straight threw nerves in my face. He then out of pure curiosity did a free panoramic xray. He said wow those are the longest roots I've ever seen lol (he's head of oral surgery at 2 major hospitals) but he also added that the other dentist was a complete crackpot and should have never said sich a tging as that would NOT happen worse case scenario would be a bit of numbness in my lower lip WORST POSSIBLE CASE. I've went to him to have both teeth next to my wisdom removed, due to the wisdom teeth crushing them
No problems one awake one knocked out, I don't like the noises. Both went great. Scared to death of these wisdoms though, still
15 years of constant pain and infections and misery....and STILL worried best possible surgeon hands down. Anyone else put this off far to long?