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Wisdom Teeth Extraction Terror

  • Thread starter Thread starter woozy
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Junior member
Dec 22, 2024
Finding this forum is like the universe is speaking to my soul.

For a lot of background/context: I have a deep fear of the dentist. When I was 8 years old I was in a sledding accident with my best friend, where I collided with another person. Two of my front (adult) teeth were broken and two others were bruised. The following recovery/treatment left me traumatized and with unrecognized/undiagnosed PTSD for 15+ years. None of the adults in the room realized the severity of my fear (I would lock myself in the office bathroom when it was time for an appointment and refuse to come out) and I put off the root canal surgery necessary until I turned 18 (I can still feel the tool they used to remove the roots to this day).

But obviously the universe isn't done with me! I'm a child sized baby adult with a child sized mouth, which means all of my adult teeth are crowded in a mouth meant for someone much younger. My wisdom teeth aren't helping matters, and in fact are making things worse. I've put off getting my wisdom teeth for as long as I can but, unfortunately for my terror, I think I'm at the end of that time. I'm 32, almost 33, and absolutely terrified of the surgery and recovery from it. I've had plenty of surgeries before (root canals, tonsillectomy, a few others I won't get into) so I'm no stranger to the song and dance. But I'm afraid of the recovery, of dealing with the pain that follows an extraction, and healing afterwards. If anyone has any kind advice, I'd love to hear it! Nothing is planned as of yet, but these teeth are making my life worse, not better, and I don't think I can ignore this anymore.

Please help a traumatized and terrified girl out <3
Hi woozy,

thank you for sharing about your situation. PTSD doesn't sound like a fun thing to have, particularly when it comes to the dentist :( if I got you right, you are confident to be able to get the teeth out but are worried about the healing afterwards? If so, I think you will be fine - there are some things to do to make sure the recovery will be okay, such as tking painkillers and cooling, but your dentist will give you instructions on this. As I had my wisdoms out, the recovery wasn't bad at all. Having a dentist you trust helps so that you feel comfortable giving them a call if anything worrys you during the few days afterwards.

All the best wishes