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Wisdom teeth removal at 38 years old - need some help!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter savgirl78
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Junior member
Apr 6, 2017
Hello all,

I am 38 years old and In about a month or so will have to have 3 wisdom teeth removed. Top 2 are fully erupted and the bottom right is. Partial bony impction. I was originally scheduled for tomorrow but chickened out because I have been having panic attacks from fear! My fears are this... not waking up from the general anesthesia and more importantly NERVE DAMAGE! I have no choice but to h e them taken out because they are infected. I now have to wait a month because they want me to have another consult with the surgeon because apparently I have too many questions...at least that is what I was told. I want to go to this dr because he is also an anesthesiologist! And he is one of the best in the city. I just don't know how I can do this knowing I may never be able to feel to kiss my husband again or taste food or talk right or feel the wind on my face. I have never been so panicked about anything in my whole life! It is all I think about I cannot function!! I know I don't have a choice they are infected and I hope I am okay until May 17 when I have the next consult. I feel so helpless and overwhelmed! Can anyone give me some advice or have any experiences with having lower. Wisdom teeth out at an older age? They said my tooth was close to the nerve..not sure how close and that there is a 5% chance out of 100 for nerve damage. I am so scared!!!!
Hey! :)

I remember your thread about general anesthesia before. Remember that most deaths from anesthesia involve patients who are having serious surgeries and already have health problems. And even then, the overall risk is minuscule.

As for nerve damage - nerve damage is obviously a less rare complication of wisdom teeth removal, but it doesn't mean what you seem to think it means! It doesn't mean you'll lose all feeling and function in your face. The vast majority of the time, nerve damage is only temporary, and can involve feeling some numbness and tingling around the lip, chin, mouth lining, or tongue for a few weeks or months. There's no way you're going to lose all feeling in your face! And it doesn't paralyse your face either.

So your chances of getting nerve damage are already low. On top of that, your chances of getting permanent nerve damage are much lower than that already.

I had full extractions, including one partially erupted wisdom teeth and three impacted ones. I didn't have any nerve damage at all. And the risk increase that comes with age is only slight.

I promise, the things you're scared of happening are not going to happen.
Hey! :)

I remember your thread about general anesthesia before. Remember that most deaths from anesthesia involve patients who are having serious surgeries and already have health problems. And even then, the overall risk is minuscule.

As for nerve damage - nerve damage is obviously a less rare complication of wisdom teeth removal, but it doesn't mean what you seem to think it means! It doesn't mean you'll lose all feeling and function in your face. The vast majority of the time, nerve damage is only temporary, and can involve feeling some numbness and tingling around the lip, chin, mouth lining, or tongue for a few weeks or months. There's no way you're going to lose all feeling in your face! And it doesn't paralyse your face either.

So your chances of getting nerve damage are already low. On top of that, your chances of getting permanent nerve damage are much lower than that already.

I had full extractions, including one partially erupted wisdom teeth and three impacted ones. I didn't have any nerve damage at all. And the risk increase that comes with age is only slight.

I promise, the things you're scared of happening are not going to happen.

How old were you when you had your teeth out? I have never been so paralyzed by fear in my life!
Hi! I was 30 when I had mine out. The 2 bottom ones were fully impacted and the 2 top ones were erupted. I have super long tooth roots in all of my teeth (especially my molars) and every dentist/oral surgeon/endodontist I've ever been to has made mention of this. I had no nerve damage at all. For one of my bottom wisdom teeth, the oral surgeon chose to leave some roots remaining because she could not get them out and they were very close to the nerve. It's been almost 9 years and the roots have been fine in there and my dentist's expects they will remain that way forever. I say all this to let you know that there are options if your dentist starts to do the extraction and feels that it might be better to leave roots in that are close to the nerve.

I can't speak to the anesthesia as I had local for my extractions (because I was more terrified of the anesthesia than the rest of it... don't get me wrong, I was a mess about it all, but I just couldn't imagine being under anesthesia too).

Best of luck to you!
Mine will not do it without anesthesia. Have you ever been under anesthesia for anything? Ugh...I just don't know how I am going to get through this. Its over a month away and I am a hot mess now!!
I've had general anesthesia twice - once when I was 25 for laparoscopy for endometriosis and once about a year ago when I was 38 to have my gallbladder removed. I woke up very sick (nauseous) the first time. The second time I told them about my previous experience and they gave me a scopolamine patch before the surgery as well as some anti-nausea meds after and I was not sick at all.

It took me a long time to find an oral surgeon who would to the extractions without sedation. Honestly, I probably would have been better off had I been able to manage being sedated. The procedure itself was bad because I wasn't able to be numbed and I passed out from the injections...

The waiting for the appt is always the worst part for me. Especially if I am seeing my regular dentist, I usually find I'm less anxious once I'm there because I trust him. Try to do as much as you can to distract yourself until your appointment. Also, you may see if you can call the dentist to see if they can put you on a cancellation list for a sooner appt - that way you have less time to be anxious beforehand.

Hang in there!
What does waking up feel like is it hard to wake up? Also were you at risk for nerve damage? I have never been numb and I am scared of that too!
Given the length of the roots on my teeth, I was definitely at risk for nerve damage though the oral surgeon definitely downplayed the risk. As for being numb, I had my wisdom teeth out early in my journey to get my dental health in order. Since then, I've had so much dental work done and been numb so many times that I've lost count. I've never had any issues from the local anesthesia.

Waking up from general anesthesia just felt like waking up from a very deep sleep. I wouldn't say it was hard to wake up... I think it just takes a few minutes to fully come out of anesthesia.
When I woke up from GA, it felt exactly like waking up from a deep sleep. I was even having a little dream before I woke up! And I was tired and groggy, but not confused or anything. In fact, I was just so relieved that it was over that I felt quite happy! I bet you will too. :)
I am going to a new Oral Surgeon. According to their website, one of the anesthesia options they offer is Nitrous Oxide Sedation. I am thinking of asking for this because I cannot do this any other way. The nerve damage is enough to terrify me, but being put under too? I can't do it. I am hoping they will work with me. I wouldn't mind taking a Valium beforehand and then the nitrous. It seems so much safer, and there are no known allergic reactions to Nitrous. I know it may be a bit uncomfortable, but I am not squeamish regarding noises, etc as long as I can't feel anything. I had my eyelid operated on and I was wide awake. They cut 2 cysts out of it. Sounded like they were cutting paper and I had stitches. Wasn't painful at all.

Anyone her have wisdoms removed under local and how was it? Thanks in advance!!
I had mine out with local only (no nitrious or oral sedation). What do you want to know?
Was it excruciating? How did you handle it?were the noises awful? You also said it took you a long time to find someone to do it that way, why is that? Do you think my oral surgeon will refuse or do they refuse often? I am going insane with this. Literally. I have had to start taking anxiety meds and seeing a therapist. What is wrong with me and how am I gonna do this??? It has totally consumed my life. I cannot function.
I'm going to send you a message.
Just got 4 molars and two teeth extracted yesterday under IV sedation and I survived :D I was TERRIFIED of not waking up from the sedation. I kept thinking WHAT IF I'M ALLERGIC? WHAT IF I STOPPED BREATHING? I cried so much I gave myself acid reflux AND post nasal drip so I was like yeah, I'm going to choke on all this regurgitation and probably die. I had tons of irrational fears but... here I am 24 hours later! No swelling (use ice packs on and off the first 24 hours!), and only minor pain. I was prescribed vicodin and I only took one last night to sleep but even then it was kind of a waste, the pain wasn't and isn't bad at all.

One of my molars did have a giant abscess though, so that's the only one that while it's healing bugs me. It's not a lot of pain it's more dull and i feel it swollen but that's about it. You can do it :D
Never damage is quite rare. I had a wisdom tooth taken out with IV sedation and it was fast as fast can go. Have no memory of it. You may want to ask them if they offer IV sedation. Best part is it makes you feel fantastic for about 5-8 hrs after the fact. You will be happy-go-lucky all day . It is better than Xanax. You are totally unaware and it feels like only 1 minute has passed. I had so much irrational fears. i was convinced I was going to die ans they were putting me under. From what I was told I was talking in my sleep and said all sorts of crazy things.
I had no sedation and gas two times. In two days I think I will have nothing but novicane. There is some pressure and noises but it's not too bad. I have long tooth roots. You can do this! Can you call your doctor back about your anxiety meds not working. Hang in there. I've been in you shoes believe me. It will be ok. :)
I'm 32. Just had 2 upper wisdoms removed. Honestly, it's easy. Your mind is mostly playing tricks on you :p

I know non of that will sink in. I was where you was this morning, and for the past 3 years. But I promise it's really easy.

I left the dentist about an hour and a half ago. I had no sedation, just numbing. I asked him not to use epi, and I think he listened to me because the numbing is gone already.

There's some pain, it feels tender and sore. Much better than toothache though.

Although I am really hungry and I didn't eat this morning due to nerves. I could eat a horse. Now I'm on soup and milkshake :(
Well I go tomorrow for a consult with a new oral surgeon. This guy has worked on some family members. I am hoping he will let me be awake for the procedure with nitrous and a local. I just cannot be put under. My anxiety over it is too great. So if you all could send me some good vibes for tomorrow I would appreciate it so much!!! I am hoping for good news about my infection and the proximity of my wisdom to the nerve as well. I think I am only doing one side as well possibly only the infected tooth. Keep me in your thoughts all!!
Sitting in the waiting room as we speak. Hands are shaking and stomach is turning!!!! Migraine coming on. I so hope that I can be awake and he agrees to do it that way!!!!!!
Sitting in the waiting room as we speak. Hands are shaking and stomach is turning!!!! Migraine coming on. I so hope that I can be awake and he agrees to do it that way!!!!!!

You've got this girl. Honestly. Relax. You're in the best hands.