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Wisdom teeth , Second week. Lumps, pain, Over forty.

  • Thread starter Thread starter StingRay
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Junior member
Oct 30, 2014
I originaly posted in the support section on a thread asking questions of people over 40 that had their WT pulled.

This was my original post at one week and two days.
43 and had all 4 pulled a week and two days ago. Left bottom is still swollen and hurts. The rest seem fine. My tongue is also still numb with a little burning sensation on that side. I thought this would be over in 5 days or so.

Pain over the last couple of days has been intense at night. Waking up to take hot showers and popping ibuprofen. My left cheek also hurts like it was cut during surgery. I was knocked out for the surgery.

I'm interested in the numbness from others in my age group. Thanks to the poster who spoke about it. I'm also concerned not all the swelling has gone down yet.

This is my post after two weeks and two days.
Tongue is no longer numb. Left side still swollen some, right side fine. It has been two weeks and two days.

If I run my finger along the gum line, my right side is normal. If I run my finger on the left side I hit two semi painful bumps on that side on both the top and bottom near the extraction points.

I did go back in for a follow-up three days ago but my oral surgeon literally spent five minutes with me and told me everything was normal and it looked like I was healing great. He discounted the fact that I still had swelling at two weeks as normal.

My question is about the lumps and pain still on the left side. Reading I keep seeing that these lumps are filled with puss and need to be drained. The lumps are very hard right on the gum line by the extraction points on the left top and bottom. The same side that still has the pain.

I also read that the lumps were normal on another site and that they would go down on their own.

Any help would be appreciated.

Also the pain along my jaw goes up to my temple. Like a massive headache.
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Also, the lumps are hard not soft.
You know, when your scared or think something is wrong a lot of people turn to the internet to see if others have experienced the same. What I have found all over the place is people coming to post their questions and fears about their problems. Then nothing...

I was so freaked out reading threads all over the net about permanent nerve damage to the tongue after experiencing burning sensation and tingling in my tongue a week after surgery. It has pretty much subsided after two weeks.

So, I'm going to make sure I update this post when I'm all better. I have read many threads about prolonged swelling but nobody comes back to say they are all better. So, i'll have to assume they're better or dead.. Not a good feeling when you feel sick.

I joined this site after reading a thread of a person asking about wisdom teeth extraction at a older age. I'm thinking that my troubles and prolonged swelling might have to do with being over 40 while younger people seem to bounce back quickly.

I'll update at three weeks. Still hoping someone can reassure me about the hard lumps.
A little update.

After I posted on the 6th, I called the dentist to talk about the pain and issues again. I was prescribed Clindamycin 300mg for possible infection. At the time of surgery I was given Amoxicillian and used it all up as prescribed.

Also, I developed all these canker sores inside on my cheeks that caused much of the pain that I was feeling on the cheeks in my earlier post. The Ibuprofen wasn't helping so I took a half teaspoon of olive oil and mixed it with four/five drops of clove oil and placed it on the inside cheek and near the lumps. I was able to sleep through the night. I'm usually skeptical of home remedies I see posted on the net but it really dulled the pain for me.

It is now five days into taking the clindamcycin and I just noticed a big reduction in pain, soreness in opening mouth and feeling like a lot of the pressure in my face has been relieved. The pain was running all the way up to my ears and temple. I have five more days of taking the antibiotic.

I still have pain but it is now more managable and about what I thought I would be feeling at the end of the first week.

The hard lumps are still there and hurt to touch them.
Well, It's February and most of my mouth feels great. I have had pain on that left lower side since October. When you rub that check it still hurts. Yesterday a large jagged piece made it to the top on that side. Bone or part of the tooth, don't know. I guess that explains the pain and still little swollen since October.

Should I try to pull this piece out or will it come out on its own?
Well, it came out! Not a tooth, I'm guessing bone. If you cut your big toenail off that's what it looks like. U shaped and as big as my toenail would be. The swelling is all gone after coming out and my face has no more pressure that I have been feeling for months.

Now I am concerned about this piece that came out of my mouth.
I don't usually use forums, but I made an account to thank you for following up on your posts even when nobody replied. I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth taken out little over a week ago, and I also seem to have a harder lump on my lower jaw, slightly forward beyond where I think the extraction site is. I've felt it since the day of the procedure but ignored it as part of the swelling. But now that most of my swelling is gone I still feel it. I occasionally ache on either side but nothing very bad. I saw my surgeon for a follow up a few days ago, he briefly felt the sites and said I was healing fine. But now I'm worried about this lump. I may end up being one of those people that never follows up with an update, but I will try. Pardon any weird typing this site is not the best on my phone. Hoping lump is not an infection, maybe just a stray bone fragment too
Yes, thanks for updating your post about your wisdom teeth. Cardiff orthodontists

Interesting to hear. I was 41 when I had one removed. Put it off for years but it really wasn't that bad in the end. I found a dentist I felt comfortable with and that gave me the confidence to go for it!
Yes, thanks for updating your post about your wisdom teeth. Cardiff orthodontists

Interesting to hear. I was 41 when I had one removed. Put it off for years but it really wasn't that bad in the end. I found a dentist I felt comfortable with and that gave me the confidence to go for it!

I hope all is well with you.

I just want to state that after that bone fragment came out I have had zero problems. The hard spots went away and my face and mouth have felt great.

All in all, it was about 4-5 months before I felt 100% again. Mainly due to that bone fragment working its way back up and out.
I don't usually use forums, but I made an account to thank you for following up on your posts even when nobody replied. I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth taken out little over a week ago, and I also seem to have a harder lump on my lower jaw, slightly forward beyond where I think the extraction site is. I've felt it since the day of the procedure but ignored it as part of the swelling. But now that most of my swelling is gone I still feel it. I occasionally ache on either side but nothing very bad. I saw my surgeon for a follow up a few days ago, he briefly felt the sites and said I was healing fine. But now I'm worried about this lump. I may end up being one of those people that never follows up with an update, but I will try. Pardon any weird typing this site is not the best on my phone. Hoping lump is not an infection, maybe just a stray bone fragment too

Birdy, hopefully your mouth feels great by now.
Thank you for your post and keeping it updated. I'm going to have to get mine out in the next couple of weeks, I'm 34. I'm beyond scared. Hearing your experience helps me to at least know about the possibility of bone fragments, I've never heard of that before. I'm glad you finally got to 100%!
Well, it came out! Not a tooth, I'm guessing bone. If you cut your big toenail off that's what it looks like. U shaped and as big as my toenail would be. The swelling is all gone after coming out and my face has no more pressure that I have been feeling for months.

Now I am concerned about this piece that came out of my mouth.

When yours came out, did it just come out while you were eating, or was it something you had to wiggle out? I'm at about four months since my extraction, and I have something exactly like you described (toenail-shaped bone) that has been there since about week 4.
When yours came out, did it just come out while you were eating, or was it something you had to wiggle out? I'm at about four months since my extraction, and I have something exactly like you described (toenail-shaped bone) that has been there since about week 4.
It eventually worked its way to the top. When one corner was out I started wiggling it. The moment it popped free I felt relief.
It eventually worked its way to the top. When one corner was out I started wiggling it. The moment it popped free I felt relief.
Well, pulling it up would be more accurate.
Thank you for your post and keeping it updated. I'm going to have to get mine out in the next couple of weeks, I'm 34. I'm beyond scared. Hearing your experience helps me to at least know about the possibility of bone fragments, I've never heard of that before. I'm glad you finally got to 100%!
Thanks and good luck. Just a note. I showed the bone fragment to my regular dentist and she stated that it was a bigger than normal piece but it should be no concern. It happens, Is basically the response I received.
Ugh on the 4-5 months and finally being 100%. 40 and 3 pulled on 11/9. One still hadn't come thru but I had him pull it anyways since the lower right had decided to finally come thru about a year and a half ago. My dentist was able to pull one about a year or so ago. Bottoms were too impacted. The lower left had been there at least 7 years. No dry sockets and I am smoker altho when my regular dentist pulled a few, I developed one and didn't realize it. It was more of an annoying pain as I have read that dry sockets are excruciating so I had no idea. Thinking I am just used to mouth pain because of the wisdom teeth. They have been hurting for too long. Oral Surgeon was not happy when he came out to get hubby after pulling the 3 this week. I was not told a thing other than not to talk cuz of the gauze and I needed to bite down for an hour. I was told that I was kicking and I believe it as I woke up with 1 shoe off. I also pulled my general iv out twice. I have had a good dozen surgeries and I have never pulled out an iv before. Was put on Chlorhexidine rinse twice a day, Clindamycin 3 x a day, Norco every 4 hours for pain and Ibuprofen every 6 hours. Also to use salt water to gargle. Yeah, still in pain on both lower extraction sites. I have no bumps on my jawline but they hurt when I touch them. Did not expect to have holes in my cheeks on top of the extraction sites. Tried eating spaghetti on the 3rd day but then noticed I had hamburger stuck. Grabbed a flash light and wow at all the holes! My right side was stitched in the cheek but my left was not and it is quite larger than the right. Nothing is getting rid of the pain. Eating mashed potatoes, oatmeal and pudding still. Unfortunately, the OS visit used almost all of my remaining dental insurance for the year :( Not exactly sure what to do since I have no out of pocket cash to pay the office visit. Will call on Monday but considering I was told nothing, not thinking I will get a straight answer. I am seriously frustrated :confused:
Ugh on the 4-5 months and finally being 100%. 40 and 3 pulled on 11/9. One still hadn't come thru but I had him pull it anyways since the lower right had decided to finally come thru about a year and a half ago. My dentist was able to pull one about a year or so ago. Bottoms were too impacted. The lower left had been there at least 7 years. No dry sockets and I am smoker altho when my regular dentist pulled a few, I developed one and didn't realize it. It was more of an annoying pain as I have read that dry sockets are excruciating so I had no idea. Thinking I am just used to mouth pain because of the wisdom teeth. They have been hurting for too long. Oral Surgeon was not happy when he came out to get hubby after pulling the 3 this week. I was not told a thing other than not to talk cuz of the gauze and I needed to bite down for an hour. I was told that I was kicking and I believe it as I woke up with 1 shoe off. I also pulled my general iv out twice. I have had a good dozen surgeries and I have never pulled out an iv before. Was put on Chlorhexidine rinse twice a day, Clindamycin 3 x a day, Norco every 4 hours for pain and Ibuprofen every 6 hours. Also to use salt water to gargle. Yeah, still in pain on both lower extraction sites. I have no bumps on my jawline but they hurt when I touch them. Did not expect to have holes in my cheeks on top of the extraction sites. Tried eating spaghetti on the 3rd day but then noticed I had hamburger stuck. Grabbed a flash light and wow at all the holes! My right side was stitched in the cheek but my left was not and it is quite larger than the right. Nothing is getting rid of the pain. Eating mashed potatoes, oatmeal and pudding still. Unfortunately, the OS visit used almost all of my remaining dental insurance for the year :( Not exactly sure what to do since I have no out of pocket cash to pay the office visit. Will call on Monday but considering I was told nothing, not thinking I will get a straight answer. I am seriously frustrated :confused:
Sounds like he cut your cheek during the extraction. Hope you're doing better. Yes 4-5 months for 100% was a big UGH but that had to do with that large piece of bone that broke off and finally worked its way to the top. Hopefully you will recover much quicker.
Thank you for keeping up with your posting. I'm 42 and had my wisdom teeth removed two weeks from today. Last week I was in extreme pain on my bottom left jaw. It was a radiating pain from my jaw through my eye bone. The Dr (who is very disengaged) gave me the same antibiotic that you were on. That helped my pain. I was at a 10+ (on a scale 1-10..10 being the highest) before the antibiotics. I'm now at 6 but at some points I'm a 8. I have to clean the holes every time I eat and I dread it on my bottom left side. It is a shooting pain that feels like a tooth ache as well as an ear ache. It actually stops me in my tracks it's so painful. I feel very alone because the dr and assistance just look at me puzzled. "Everything is healing fine". I'm not sure if I can go 4/5 months like this. I'll post again when I'm doing better.