• Dental Phobia Support

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Wisdom Tooth Anxiety



Former Member
Hi-I have put off the inevitable wisdom tooth extraction for many years, and now the time has come for me to face the fear. The problem is I am extremely anxiety ridden with the idea of being put to sleep. My other extreme fear is not knowing which medications are used and if I will feel sick afterwards, I have a very senensitive stomach, mainly due to stress induced anxiety. The last time I had minor surgery to my hand, I was so against being put out that I watched the surgery, which I liked.....but due to the overall anxiety and trauma of surgery to the body, I had awful stomachaches for months. So not only do I dread the extraction procedure, but I dread the after effects. Does anyone know about the sedation procedure?

Any information would be appreciated........thanks!
Your very first step is to speak with the Dentist and relay your fears about anesthesia, just as you have relayed them to us.

Depending upon the difficulty of removing your wisdom teeth, general anesthesia may or may not be necessary. If the surgeon anticipates that the removal may be difficult, general anesthesia will make things MUCH easier for you.
If it is expected that the removals will be relatively easy, they certainly can be done under local anesthesia, with or without conscious sedation.
With conscious sedation, you are given an oral dose of a sedative that will not put you to sleep, but will make you very relaxed and more comfortable. The local anesthesia is then given to make you VERY numb so you don't feel anything other than, perhaps, pressure.

The key here is communication....speak with your Doctor , share your concerns, and decide together which approach is best for you. If your Dentist is not interested in listening to your concerns, find another who will!

Thanks for the advice.......This website is a terrific forum for support. I will try and be brave and become informed.......and then do this once and for all.

Have a good week everyone!