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Wisdom tooth/teeth with local only?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susanne
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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2014
Anyone had a wisdom tooth or teeth removed with local anesthetic only? If so, how was the experience? How long did it take and was the numbing process any different than when you've had a filling or root canal? Was your tooth already through the gum or partially/fully impacted?
Sedation is usually recommended for people with impacted wisdom teeth since it is a more involved surgery, in some cases. I had impacted wisdom teeth removed with IV sedation and it was a good experience. That said, your dentist should listen to your request and be able to explain the need for sedation or not. If you haven't seen it there is a similar recent thread to this already.

I had my wisdom teeth out with local only. The 2 bottom ones were fully impacted. I was not able to be fully numbed for them and it was a very difficult process for me. I am very anxious about any kind of sedation, but would definitely recommend it to anyone in a situation similar to mine.
Only one of mine is impacted (top right) with just a tiny corner poking through the gum. The others are all fully erupted or very close to being fully erupted.
I had all 4 out with just local, I think two of them were partially erupted, but not sure anymore, it‘s been a long time. I was scared half to death because of my usual dental anxiety anyway, but the procedure itself was painless and quick. It took only few minutes and the longest part was waiting for the numbing to take effect.
I also had all 4 out with local, done 3 different times with different providers , 2 dentists and one oral surgeon. The worst part about it was finding out in the first ones I was allergic to codeine. that wasn't fun at all.. but the actual teeth part wasn't too bad at all.