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Wizzie removed under LA and home within 15 minute



Nov 6, 2022
London, England
So I just had my upper left wisdom tooth taken out and from the time of my appointment and the time it takes me to walk home (5 mins away) was 15 minutes.

I had two injections, one palate one which was actually better than the other side. Took a few seconds to numb me up and away we went.

I won't lie and say I wasn't freaked out but turns out I had a curved root and I was more worried about my teeth on the other side being casualties. But pressure, a bit of angling and gone.

Turns out it had a little abscess under it since it was a bit of a food trap and was at an angle because my mouth is crowded so it was good to say goodbye to it.

Will update on any healing stuff but yeah. Doable. And bless my dental nurse because she could tell I was freaking out and put her hand on mine the whole time.
So, I bit my gauze for an hour. Blood oozed for a few hours and I could taste it but I didn't need to put new gauze in.

I took paracetamol about 5pm in preparation of the LA wearing off and I slept through the next dose. I woke up about 1:30am. Felt a twinge but nothing more than an ache. If you clench your teeth, it's that low ache in the jaw. It was a 1-2 on the 10 pain scale. Took meds and gulped some water down.

I went back to sleep and woke up again about 7:30. More aches and more paracetamol just in case but happy to report that I'm not in pain.

I haven't eaten yet as I wasn't hungry but I'll probably eat and rinse when I hit the 24 hour mark.
I've eaten, scrambled eggs and raspberry jelly. Survived the first rinse and brushed my teeth. I used toothpaste but stopped at the first molar ahead of my extraction site and wiped my second molar with some damp gauze.

I'm gonna mash some tuna and potato together for dinner but happy to report still no pain and all good on the home front.
Sounded incredibly easy
Sounded incredibly easy

So far, it has been. Lots of people get their wizzies removed with no issues every year. I thought I'd always keep mine since they came through when I was 24 but sometimes you really are better off without.
Probably the only thing I haven't mentioned is I've slept with my head elevated both nights.

Clot appears to be in place. I got bold with the toothbrush and brushed to the second molar but obviously didn't do the back surface as I would normally.

Mash potato and tuna was actually a hit and I forgot how much I liked it. Breakfast I got bold as well as I had porridge. I like my porridge more liquid like soup so currently no issue with that. I also had greek yoghurt to keep my protein up.

I do notice it more today than others but it's a feeling of swelling in my mouth. I'm not in any pain. I wasn't able to rinse four times yesterday, only twice as I had it done late in the day and I fell asleep at 9pm. Definitely sleeping more through this not that that's a bad thing.

Not had coffee yet, I only drink cold coffee anyway but I'm giving it a rest and staying on my water.
My "technical" Day 3 even though it's Monday.

Getting lots of sleep. Been going to bed at 9pm every night. Still tired though.

I've got more swelling than before. It's not painful only achy and I feel it against my cheek and there's some swelling in my lower jaw which might be more related to TMJ.

Appetite is rinsing me with a vengeance. I am hungry. I've had 2 protein shakes, greek yoghurt, porridge, jelly, chicken soup and a soft bake bar and it is only lunch time. I might hard boil some eggs because jelly's consistency is giving me the ick. I did eat a couple of hash browns last night so I was happy.

Not sure when to close out my journey as I'm mostly out of dry socket/infection territory but it will take awhile for the hole to fill in. Maybe I'll keep going tomorrow to see if there is any granulation tissue as expected.
Okay this is the end. I'm in my day 5 and I have survived a sneeze attack. Actually I had to sneeze on day one. Life hack, look at a light and it will normally stop it. Otherwise, pinch your nostrils and that will minimise the damage.

I had "normal" food today, I had hellofresh pasta and at lunch I gave in to a burning desire to eat chicken nuggets which I haven't done in months.

I had a decaf coffee through a silicone straw and nothing happened. I'm glad I waited and my hole is much smaller than before. Still dark but I think I see some granulation tissue at the edges. I'm swollen still but literally not had anything more than a twingy ache this whole process.

I hope someone finds this helpful and feels less fearful about the process. Extractions aren't fun but you can do it.