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Wobbly teeth fear

  • Thread starter Thread starter fifilebon
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Junior member
Dec 22, 2024
So, I have a totally silly fear of wobbly teeth, and my six year old has just got her first wobbly tooth and I need to address this or I’m going to be a mess!

When I was a kid I had super strong milk teeth which would wobble but didn’t fall out. So I had lots of teeth removed by the dentist. So I know where my fear stems from, but I can not figure out how to get over the overwhelming sickness I feel when I encounter someone with a wobbly tooth. My legs turn to jelly, I feel physically sick, and the last time a tooth was pulled out in front of me I fainted. I work in education so it’s not something I can easily avoid!

If anyone has any ideas of how I can address this I’d be so grateful.
One thing to remember is that for baby teeth this is a natural process. I believe the usual recommendation is to let it happen where the root of the tooth eventually no longer holds the tooth and it falls. Maybe having a more natural experience with your six year old will help you change your perspective on wobbly tooth.
@fifilebon Something that has worked for me over things that make me feel very triggered is exposure. Reading about the thing, looking at pictures related to it, other types of exposing myself to it on purpose, can make me get more used to something so that I will be less triggered by it. I believe there is a formal therapy called exposure therapy that is something like this.