• Dental Phobia Support

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Wobbly teeth

  • Thread starter Thread starter Denise 999
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Denise 999

Junior member
May 25, 2019
Has anyone let their loose teeth fall out without going to a dentist? If you did what happened etc.
Hi Denise ( :welcome: back),

you may be able to find some stories on this forum, although pretty much everyone with this problem sooner or later runs into difficulties with other teeth not wanting to fall out and eventually has to see a dentist for help. One of our forum volunteers has been doing a series of interviews with dentists who enjoy helping people overcome their fears, and you may find some of them helpful:


(there are more coming up in the near future!).

There are bound to be dentists near you who are non-judgmental and who only want to help.

Wishing you all the best :grouphug: