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Worried about judgement

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Junior member
Sep 6, 2024
Have been bulimic for a very long time, thought not always actively so. I think it's a contributing factor in my current dental problems, and I know there are signs the dentist can see i.e. damage to the backs of the teeth. I'm worried that the dentist will judge me or lose all sympathy for me, since I kinda did this to myself :( wondering if this is an opinions dentists generally hold?

Also, I'm really scared of shots in the roof of my mouth. I've heard horror stories and I've also heard it's not necessarily always horrible, depends on the dentist's technique, etc. Pretty sure I'll need an extraction because my most recently abscessed tooth already had RCT 5+ years ago. Should I be as scared of these shots as I currently am? I would rank it in my top three biggest fears 😅 it's something that's kept me up at night for years now, knowing it would eventually come up.
I'm worried that the dentist will judge me or lose all sympathy for me, since I kinda did this to myself :( wondering if this is an opinions dentists generally hold?
No, not really. https://www.dentalfearcentral.org/fears/embarrassment/
As a general rule, dentists are "doers" we want to get on and fix stuff, we're usually not that bothered as to why the stuff needs fixing, we're too busy working out the best way to get it done :-)

Also, I'm really scared of shots in the roof of my mouth. I've heard horror stories and I've also heard it's not necessarily always horrible, depends on the dentist's technique, etc.
It really shouldn't be that bad! With a bit of care and decent technique they should be pretty pain free. I had a pretty cack handed dentist back in the 60s, these injections weren't pleasant but I've had much, much more painful things happen to me.
No, not really. https://www.dentalfearcentral.org/fears/embarrassment/
As a general rule, dentists are "doers" we want to get on and fix stuff, we're usually not that bothered as to why the stuff needs fixing, we're too busy working out the best way to get it done :-)

It really shouldn't be that bad! With a bit of care and decent technique they should be pretty pain free. I had a pretty cack handed dentist back in the 60s, these injections weren't pleasant but I've had much, much more painful things happen to me.

Thank you so much for your reply :) trying hard to overcome my anxiety and make an appointment.