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Worried About sensitivity

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Junior member
Jun 25, 2024
I used to never have problems with going to the dentist. I had the same dentist since I was a child and was comfortable with him, even if I later learned that he was a little old school on his techniques. But he eventually retired, and so after a couple years of letting my dental health slip, I got an appointment at a large dental clinic. Very different from the single man operation my old dentist ran, but I was willing to give it a try. Problem was that the suction devices used these days are horrible. I was very accustom to the suction device like a little straw and I was usually just allowed to tell him if I needed to spit and was able to spit into a sink on the chair. The modern suction devices that are a flat paddle shoved into your cheek are terrible. My first appointment ended up being a 2hour teeth cleaning cause I had gone so long without them, and that was 2 straight hours of sitting in that chair with the suction device right up against my sensitive molars, which I told them about, and making my teeth have to suffer ice cold air causing intense discomfort for the entire two hours. I'm terrified to go back and get the cavities they found filled. Is there some way to ask for a different suction device, or to prevent how painful that cold air is on my teeth?
Yes, tell them straight that it hurts, that you don't want them to use it and find something else, or treat the sensitivity first... if they won't, then you don't consent to the treatment and find another dentist.