• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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Would you rather.......

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May 31, 2017
Option A) this dental practice takes your insurance so you pay less however the dentist isn't super friendly, the practice over books a lot and you don't feel comfortable there but you do pay a lot less

option B) this practice is out of network with your insurance however they are super modern, advanced technology, the dentists and staff are warm and inviting and accommodating to anxious patients. You feel much more comfortable here however you pay more.
Definitely B, if you can possibly afford it. Dentist A might take your insurance but you would not have a good experience with them which would not help your anxiety.
B always, as long as the dentist does not take advantage
I am also going with B. It is what I am doing now. When we moved, I found that most of the dentists here do not work with insurance companies and although they file your insurance, you still pay everything out of pocket. I had the option of one dentist that accepted my insurance but his reputation as old school and not very sympathetic to his patients scared me off. I have done the paying less because I couldn’t afford better in the past and suffered for it later.
Definately B if you could.. I know its hard though when finances are an issue. I've done both, had to take who I could get.. which typically didn't turn out the best. however I did end up having one gal who was a new graduate and was my very first kind dentist who changed my life.. Have you exhaused other possibilites of maybe other less expensive options which may be more anxious friendly? If at all possible an anxious friendly dentist can make all the difference.
@Tryingtoovercome option b. No brainer. But then again i dont have dental . I always pay. Lol
B, no doubt. Want a doc who is a people person