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Xanax and Benadryl for my double root canal appointment?

  • Thread starter Thread starter yikesteeth
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Junior member
Aug 12, 2017
Hello, I have pretty severe dental anxiety combined with being sensitive to lots of medications which not only causes "real" problems sometimes but which contributes to my anxiety. At one appointment I truly felt I was gonna die right there in the dentist's chair. I almost wasn't able to complete my deep cleaning appointment last week with my gentle, trusted dentist. So that tells you where I am coming from.

I have an appointment with an endodontist (who I don't know) next week to do 2 root canals. I'm terrified because the last time I had a root canal, the endo could not get me fully numb and accused me of being a drug addict because she said "those people" have trouble with getting fully numbed. I'm not a drug user. For whatever reason it's just hard for them to numb me fully and they always have to use a whole lot of local anesthetic. The one with epinephrine (which works better/lasts longer) is contraindicated for me because I have a bad reaction to it so they have to use the other one, and a shit ton of it. It makes me feel terrible

Sedation dentistry isn't available for this appointment and the last time I had it (for wisdom tooth removal) I was allergic to something in the sedation cocktail. I just can't believe in how many ways I am a difficult, special snowflake dental patient! lol

So my plan is to take 2 .5mg Xanax + 50 mg Benadryl before my appointment. I am used to taking .5mg for anxiety and I know it will not be enough for this appointment. The Benadryl is to help more with the anxiety and also to help me not break out in hives which I often do.

Thoughts? Is 50 mg too much for the Benadryl? It takes the Xanax at least 1 hour to work for me...not sure how long the appointment will take since it is TWO root canals...can't decide when to take which pills. I'm a mess. Help!!

(I'm going to cross post this in the other forum but in that forum it said if new to post here first)
It's really too bad that she didn't think that the most likely reason you are anxious about dental treatment is that you are especially difficult to anesthetize. Makes complete sense to me!
It's really too bad that she didn't think that the most likely reason you are anxious about dental treatment is that you are especially difficult to anesthetize. Makes complete sense to me!

I think my normal dentist at least kind of gets it, but I'm always apprehensive seeing a new person and I have never seen this endodontist. What do you think about the amount of meds I'm planning to take - too much? and when should I take them?

Just taking one .5mg Xanax will do nothing, so I feel like I pretty much will have to take 2 (1mg total) but I could possibly skip the Benadryl or just take 25 or even 12.5 mg if you feel that it will be too sedating on top of the Xanax. But truthfully, "sedating" is what I am going for :)...safely, of course.
Hi Yikes and welcome to the forum.

I'm afraid I'm unable to give you advice regarding the medications you wish to take. I think you should discuss with your doctor if you aren't comfortable talking to the dentist. Personally, I'd rather have the dentist prescribe me something if I wasn't going to be having a sedation appointment, just to be on the safe side. Mainly the concern would be the reaction (or lack of) from taking two different drugs. I'm sorry I can't be of more help and hope that someone with more experience may be able to assist you.

Please note that your cross post was deleted. Per the rules of the forum duplicate posts or similar posts are not allowed. If you feel you may benefit with the support of our members regarding your anxiety or fears please feel free to post in the Support section. Just knowing you aren't alone or speaking about your fears can sometimes be helpful.

Wishing you the best with your upcoming appointment.:clover: I do hope that you have a positive experience and come back and share your success story.
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What I would be comfortable prescribing for you is different than what your endodontist would do