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Yet more tooth obsession

  • Thread starter Thread starter McGonicle
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Oct 9, 2006
I'm really getting obsessive about my teeth in the last few days. I've had this niggling feeling that my new dentist isn't quite as sharp as the last one I had.

I was wondering what the likelihood of me finding a cavity that my dentist might have missed during my checkup 5 weeks ago? On the tooth in front of the lower left 1st molar I've noticed what looks like a little crack running along the centre of the surface of the tooth. In the middle of the length of that crack there is a tiny bit of hardly visible black. To my eyes it looks like it is like the crack is a little bit open around that black bit, like a part where stuff has got caught and stuff has slowly been seeping in and eating away.

Now, this is a seriously tiny little bit of black, so I've got the feeling that my dentist might have missed it. However, I have a track record of obsessing over my teeth to the point of demanding my dentist carry out bizarre treatments that have no merit (which includes having filling material put onto a tooth that required no filling). It's dawned on me that one of the major reasons I stopped having problems obsessing over my teeth was because when I started seeing my old dentist I had complete trust in her and her expertise.

It's really hard, because I've found it difficult to get my diet back on track after having my wisdom tooth extracted, and as a result I've been struggling to keep my depression at bay, and i don't think my judgement is very good at the minute. I've got that horrible "oh no, some is definitely wrong!" feeling again and I just want it to go away, because I've had it for too long! I really hoped when the first wisdom tooth came out I could put everything behind me and get on with stuff, and it was a setback when they said the top two had to come out, but it's really depressing if something else is going wrong and I can't even be confident once that is done that there might not be something else they haven't spotted lurking somewhere.

This probably sounds really pathetic because overall, my teeth are not too bad I think, and sometimes while I've been here, I've thought I might actually have the reverse of what a lot of other people are suffering, a fear of not being able to solve the problem immediately rather than fear of the solution itself.
Hi Mcgonigle
Saw your video and thought
1.you looked young :P
2. Your teeth looked pretty good.

If you are not having any problems with the tooth in question, I would say it can probably be left until your next check up in 6 (?) months' time...it is highly unlikely that something so obvious to you has been missed by your dentist. Teeth do have grooves in them which look like cracks which are supposed to be there....I know because I queried one myself once!

If you keep losing sleep over it, then maybe you can go back for some reassurance...hope the swelling goes down soon....
Hi Brit,

Thanks for your reply. I was just thinking, I was planning to go and try and book for my remaining two wisdom teeth to be removed. I could see if I could grab a moment of their time. Maybe I will say I think I've lost a filling or something to make it seem less paranoid :)

It's really hard to explain my thought process, and I'm really lucky I don't drink or take drugs, but sometimes I have these times when I just completely crumble, and all my confidence goes, and one of those times is when I think there is some little tiny thing that is wrong with my teeth. I can't deny I'm eccentric. My eccentricity has nearly made me famous in the past, but I don't know there is this thing in my head. Maybe its hooked in with my looks in general I don't know.

Anyway. I've recently after about 7 years of looking, I finally found a medical word that describes my problems in general, so now I get to go back to my GP and demand a referral without facing words such as "psychosomatic", or "SSRIs" or "sectioned". Wish me luck! Almost as scary as the dentist!
McGonicle said:
I was planning to go and try and book for my remaining two wisdom teeth to be removed. I could see if I could grab a moment of their time. Maybe I will say I think I've lost a filling or something to make it seem less paranoid :)

I wouldn't lie about the filling...just say you've spotted a crack thing is it anything to worry about? Or ask them to check the healing.

If you are not comfortable with this dentist then change; or change after you've got the other 2 wizzies taken out.

McGonicle said:
It's really hard to explain my thought process, and I'm really lucky I don't drink or take drugs, but sometimes I have these times when I just completely crumble, and all my confidence goes, and one of those times is when I think there is some little tiny thing that is wrong with my teeth. I can't deny I'm eccentric. My eccentricity has nearly made me famous in the past, but I don't know there is this thing in my head.
Maybe its hooked in with my looks in general I don't know.
What's wrong with your looks in the first place? Nothing at all from what I could see. So it's maybe just your perception which is the issue?

McGonicle said:
Anyway. I've recently after about 7 years of looking, I finally found a medical word that describes my problems in general, so now I get to go back to my GP and demand a referral
There's not really any benefit in getting yourself labelled unless it brings support services in its wake....low self-esteem seems to be at the bottom of most problems in life...and other people (including parents and dentists!) can and do have input here.

You're probably just physically low from the wisdom tooth removal and that translates into feeling down spiritually too. Very brave to be booking the next session already...best get it over and done with though.
Cheer up there's always someone worse off than you...trite but true.
Hi. Just ask them to check the crack. If you don't ask a direct question you may not get a direct answer is all. Also I'd echo Brit's words - low self esteem is difficult enough to deal with. Don't pigeonhole yourself until you are sure of a diagnosis.

Best of luck. Pars :)
Hi guys, thanks for your further replies. I won't go into my other problems in detail, but I'll describe the process I've gone through to get to this medical term metaphorically:

Say you go to the doctor because your toe hurts. First of all, the doctor says "sometimes your toe just hurts. See what happens in a few weeks and come back if its still a problem".

So three weeks go by and you go back and this time the doctor says "Well its probably something else in your life projecting this pain into your toe, but its very strange, i still don't think there is a problem. Come back again in three weeks if there is still a problem".

So another three weeks go by and this time he says "Well, the best course of action is to take this drug maybe that will fix it". Then you say "well... hang on a minute, is there a problem or not then, or are you just trying to get rid of me? What does this drug do and how is it going to help me if you don't what the problem is or if there is one?"

So then over the next few years you see a few doctors, they all look bewildered when you explain your problem, and seem to think you are either a hypochondriac, or trying to get signed off of work. All the while you foot is hurting more and more but you become resigned to the idea that maybe you are making something out of nothing and this is just your lot in life.

Finally you get to the point where you cant even walk, you life is collapsing around your ears, your friends don't speak to you, you cant wash, you cant eat, you have sleepless nights. Then you come across the word "ingrowing toenail". Thats how I feel at the minute now I've finally found the medical term that describes my condition. And I've got hope that I might be able to get help, because I really need it and nobody has given me anythign of any use so far.

The only reason I came across this word was because I had a problem which I thought was seperate which infact is inherently linked, and also gives me something that I can ram in a doctors face and say "ha ha! see! I do have a problem! I wasnt just making it up! I have this sympton and that sympton, and whatever you say, you can not deny this part is indicative of something being wrong so give me the help I need!"

If I was a drug addict, alcoholic or smoker, I'd have all the help I needed on tap, but I'm just a straight foward clean living guy who has been totally alienated from the health service by the attitude towards mental health. And its not like I'm ignorant of what is availilbe to me, my mum is actually a medical secretary in a mental health clinic. Whenever I've asked for help, ive just not got it, probably because I haven't resorted to self abuse, even though I've been plainly miserable and unable to function at times.

And to bring thing back to the topic at hand, how come there isn't support within the NHS for those who have dental fears? Dental health is a major factor in overall health and well being, and the result of it can be chronic pain.

Actually I'm probably still veering way off topic here. Better stop before I get a spanking from the moderators :)
actuley im finding myself agreeing with this guy alot. Sure, there might be a physical problem, but its also a mental problem too. I find myself wondering over all sorts of crazy things about my teeth and such. It can and sometimes does, drive u insane. Like today, when i got my filling, she said MABY a root canal, and in my mind i have it convinced i WILL need one, yet the novicane is waring off and i really dont feel much of anything, let alone pain. Yet, im paranoid out of my mind to eat or drink with this thing in my mouth! Hell, it took me 10 minunts just to work up the currage to drink a sip of room temperture water.

Its a fear and depression people like me get sometimes. Even though tooth problems are usualy nothing life threating, yet it feels that way, ya know.
Quote McGonicle:' The only reason I came across this word was because I had a problem which I thought was seperate which infact is inherently linked, and also gives me something that I can ram in a doctors face and say "ha ha! see! I do have a problem! I wasnt just making it up! I have this sympton and that sympton, and whatever you say, you can not deny this part is indicative of something being wrong so give me the help I need!"

Sorry McGonicle
Have only just read this and I have a short memory span when people post in multiple threads :P. Just wanted to apologise for the maybe less than sympathetic line I took in the other thread (I have amended one post)....think you probably do qualify as just a bit fragile......but I'm not qualified to analyse anyone so I'd rather not try.
I don't suppose railing against the whole medical establishment will actually help you very much ....you just need to identify the one doctor who can help in your particular situation but I guess if it's a they want to precribe drugs situation, its always going to be very tricky for you based on the views you expressed elsewhere.
Hope you find a way through...just as you have already with the dental aspect.