• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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Paralyzed With Fear, Infection Is Spreading



Junior member
Jan 16, 2015
Posting this will be the closest I have come to being able to handle the dental phobia that has increasingly developed over the last 10 years. During that time, I have literally attempted to remove a broken tooth at home with mini pliers (only succeeded in crushing it and doing more damage), gone to the ER for infections that began to spread beyond my mouth, lost a good portion of the back teeth in my mouth, and it's only gotten worse. I have a very accomplished professional career, but I started to only accept positions that allowed me to work from home the majority of the time because my teeth are..unprofessional at this point. I can't explain why, I honestly don't know but I cannot even make the call, much less go to the dentist. I cannot do it and it makes no sense, I logically understand that but I can't breathe even visualizing going to the dentist. My heart is racing just typing about it. Apparently I have got another infection that began in the gums on the left side of my mouth but now it feels like bolts of pure pain are being twisted into my jaw bones, left ear and the area surrounding both. Not pain like I can just put Benzocaine on it or spray it repeatedly with Chloraseptic to numb it while I start antibiotics, it's like way beyond that now. Periodically, I can't see out of my left eye when the pain starts because it feels like it takes over every nerve and pain receptor possible. I can't think straight from the intensity of the pain.

I don't want to be an embarrassment to my child and hide away from the world, and I don't want to feel pain like this for fear of losing my entire mind. I can't make myself call a dentist though, I can't seem to get through whatever wall exists. I am at a loss at this point.
Hi emrsn and welcome to the forum
I literally cried on the phone when I had to force myself to make an appointment. I could barely get the words out and was literally shaking. If you don't feel able to do that just yet, many dentists these days have web sites that offer an email contact address. you could start by writing to them, telling them that you have dental phobia and asking if they have experience treating patients who are as terrified as you are. The ones who don't want to be bothered with people like us will not likely respond to your message, but someone who has enough compassion and experience in treating patients with our level of fear and anxiety will be likely to respond

You could also ask a friend to make the appointment for you.
Most dentists are willing to prescribe valium or other oral sedation that you can take right before your first appointment so that you are a little less terrified to get in the chair.
I agree with emailing if you don't feel you can call. But pleast don't suffer. Dental work can never be worse than the relentless pain of bad teeth. Just imagine, an hour here and there in the dental chair = healthy mouth.

hang in there
I have similar problem for last 15 years still cannot overcome the fear to even get the first examination : (
They're right. Many dentists now have websites set up that explain everything, and you can contact them and speak with them through e-mail. I was in the same boat a month ago, infection spreading, serious pain. I was at the point of taking 3 Aleve, 2 Tylenol, putting cold compresses on, and crying myself to sleep.

Tell them about your situation and your fear, they will work with you!
I totally empathize with you and I am just starting this journey. I am college educated, was an elementary school teacher until I began staying home with our children. But for some reason (well for a few reasons which are long to explain) I couldn't bring myself to go to the dentist.

Today I had two crowns prepped. I started by searching on a local "mom" forum for recommended dentists. Then I made my husband call several and kind of scope them out for me. That helped. He told them the issues I had and then I went behind and called again to discuss in more detail. We found a dentist who is very gentle and nonjudgmental. Today I took a xanax and listened to an iPod and it honestly wasn't so bad!! The anxiety of not knowing what I would need done was far worse!