Interviews with Dentists

What makes dentists tick? Why did they choose to go into dentistry? And what would they like their phobic patients to know?
Join our DFC Volunteer Nikoleta Gehrmann on a journey of discovery across the UK and Europe. What motivates dental professionals who have an interest in helping nervous patients? Click on any of the faces below to find out more!
An interview with…
Mike Gow
Dentist Mike Gow goes parachuting in a quest to understand fear, and explains his approach to helping people with dental phobias!
An interview with…
Gordon Laurie
Dental Fear Central’s co-founder Gordon Laurie talks about his interest in special needs dentistry (including dental phobia of course!).
An interview with…
Omar Iqbal
Omar Iqbal, a dentist at Complete Dental Care in Glasgow, gives the lowdown on dental sedation and his approach to helping anxious patients.
An interview with…
Lincoln Hirst
The Real Deal: Lincoln Hirst, a dentist at Garden City Dental, talks about the technique that shaped his career, con tricks, and useful gadgets.
An interview with…
Tiril Willumsen
Tiril Willumsen and her colleagues at the University of Oslo talk about their research into dental fear and victims of sexual abuse and torture.
An interview with…
Niall Neeson
Niall Neeson, a dentist at Boyne Dental in Ireland, explains his approach to helping people with dental anxiety, fear, and phobia.
An interview with…
Daniel Finkelman
Daniel Finkelman, a dentist at The Hague Dental Care, talks about his interest in psychology and CBT, and why he no longer believes that CBT is the answer.