by absoterrified
Hi, I have lurked on these boards for a while now as I am dental phobic and was looking for some information and help as I knew I needed treatment.
The stress caused me nightmares and the obvious teeth and oral pain, which was getting me down, as it was affecting my general health too. I was also upset at losing my smile as I did have beautiful white teeth, but I had neglected them since my last pregnancy. When they became a problem, I was too scared to go to the dentist. In fact, I had not seen a dentist in 30 years.
Anyway, I visited four dental receptionists and did not like the feel of the places. I became sick and dizzy and just could not go through with booking an appointment. Just ringing a number resulted in panic. One day, I woke up in awful more throbbing pain and reluctantly rang another dentist who appeared to cope with anxiety, and they were so helpful and empathic and said I could visit straight away.
I was treated with respect and empathy. The bottom line is I have been allowed to have treatment at my pace in small doses. I did not know that I had serious gum disease and a couple of problems with my teeth, too. I honestly did not know what was wrong with me, only that I was in pain. Had I not got help when I went, I would have lost my teeth. I have learnt that it is better to get help now than leave it too late. Basically, I was scared of everything: I thought I was going to faint on my first appointment, I felt hot, sick, dizzy, my hearing goes all fuzzy and feared the worst, I could not even sit in the chair, I cried, became like a frightened toddler, but my dentist and their staff were so helpful.
Basically, if anyone is reading this because of being scared of going, please please go through with going as you have to because the longer you leave it, the more treatment you will eventually need. Gum disease affects your body. I have started my treatment, and it’s so good not to have pain and the awful tastes in my mouth. And also, my teeth look so clean now, and I am no longer ashamed. I can smile. Because I was so ashamed, I couldn’t even open my mouth to show a dentist inside my mouth as they were so disgusting.
I take my husband so he can advocate for me and also hold my hand and talk my anxiety down for me. It’s not easy, but little steps do desensitise you, even if it’s just sitting in the chair and then having a mirror in your mouth and then slowly being able to lie back in a chair etc. If it’s at a pace you can manage, you can get there.
I want to add that my dentist is brilliant, I have not felt pain and my teeth and gums are improving. The drills are not as noisy as the old-style dentists used to use either. I cannot believe I can write this as I was in such a dark place before, having awful nightmares and in constant pain. Please please read this and take care of yourselves. Only a dentist can help you and you need to build trust in them ?
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