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Dentists wont help me, should i pull out my own tooth?


Mae ll

Junior member
Mar 8, 2020
First of all I don't have my own dentist. I've been on the NHS waiting list for a dentist for years and I can't afford private care.

About 10 months ago I visited an emergency dentist after a small hole formed in my tooth. The dentist was friendly, though she left me in more pain. She couldn't numb the tooth, after 3 rounds of injections. She tried pulling it out but just broke some of the top off. She then said she'd refer me to have it out under gas and I'd get a letter in the post in a few months, but the letter never came, so I followed it up, finding out that there was no record on their system of the referral and that my deatials had been lost from the system. The terrible pain caused by the visit left me with general anxiety for a few weeks and I was unable to go out and do my daily activities.

I then visited an emergency dentist in December because the pain in my tooth was troubling me a lot. They refused to treat me because of my history of anemia. They didn't seem to be worried about pain relief but told me to get my bloods tested and come back when they're "normal".

I did get the blood tests done with my doctor, and the results came that my hemoglobin is only slightly lower than it should be, but I'm not anemic anymore, but the doctor wanted to double check 2 months later, so the dentist refused me help with my teeth.

The pain has flared up a lot and spread this month to the rest of the jaw (on one side), my neck, and my ear. Over the counter painkillers (a combo of paracetamol, coedine, and iboprufen) have not stopped the constant throbbing pain. I called the dentist, the dentist said to go to the GP, the GP sent me to the hospital, and the hospital said try to get an emergency dentist appointment.

After 2 days in a row of being on the phone first thing, I managed to get the last emergency appointment in my county. (the lady on the phone said someone else was trying to book it at the same time). I wanted to find out if it was infected or not and if I could get prescribed some stronger painkillers. When I arrived the dentist just yelled at me for 10 minutes for coming to see them before I got more blood results and wasting their time. Even though he has never met me he went on a rant about how I probably drink fizzy drinks and don't brush my teeth. (Which he was wrong about)

I guess this has reinforced my idea of not liking dentists. When theyve done something, they've hurt me, and when I'm hurting, they won't do anything.

Seriously thinking about pulling out the bloomin thing myself - as the pain is driving me to suicidal thoughts. I don't understand why possible anemia would stop them pulling it out, especially as I'm so much better than I used to be since I've changed my diet.

Is it a good idea to go back to these dentists? All three are from the same company, but there's no other place in my area (even with a couple hours travel) that will take on new patients. With the difficulties I've had, I'm worried they'll hurt me if I do let them treat me. I doubt they'll make it pain free.

Also, is this a normal experience for a lot of people? Or am I just very unlucky?

Thanks for reading yo.
Hi Mae,

I think you got extremely unlucky. In my view, Even if a patient had light anemia but feels and looks healthy, there should be no limitation for treatment.
Sorry to hear about the painful emergency extraction. I don’t know what the situation was but some situations can be more challenging to numb well enough. is it an upper or lower molar?
my advice is to goback to you GP and ask for two things:
1) prescription for antibiotics. Sounds like it might help.
2) a formal letter stating you are investigating a light anemia which should not limit a tooth extraction.
Hope it helps.
Mae ll

I am so sorry you are going through all this.. wow it is certainly alot and how discouraging and awful no one will really help you .

"When I arrived the dentist just yelled at me for 10 minutes for coming to see them before I got more blood results and wasting their time. Even though he has never met me he went on a rant about how I probably drink fizzy drinks and don't brush my teeth. (Which he was wrong about) "

aghh. hate to hear this. patient shaming is awful and this is all just wrong.. I don't blame you for not wanting to try again after having this and the other experiences. of pain and shame. I can say though there are good and kind dentists out that will actually help.. I hope you can find one!! Its hard to put yourself out there and try again

I think Dr Daniels answer is great with going to your primary care to get antibiotics and a recommendation and hope you can get into someone other than those you have seen for some kind good care.

I know how draining it can be physically and emotionally with a bad tooth.. I really hope someone can help you soon!
Hi Mae,

I think you got extremely unlucky. In my view, Even if a patient had light anemia but feels and looks healthy, there should be no limitation for treatment.
Sorry to hear about the painful emergency extraction. I don’t know what the situation was but some situations can be more challenging to numb well enough. is it an upper or lower molar?
my advice is to goback to you GP and ask for two things:
1) prescription for antibiotics. Sounds like it might help.
2) a formal letter stating you are investigating a light anemia which should not limit a tooth extraction.
Hope it helps.

Thank you for the answers. Unfortunately the GP can't prescribe antibiotics for teeth where I live, a dentist has to do it.
I'll go into my doctors surgery when they're open again on Monday to ask about a letter.
? Hugs ?
The pain has flared up a lot and spread this month to the rest of the jaw (on one side), my neck, and my ear.

This sounds exactly how I felt when I had an abscessed tooth. I agree with Dr. Daniel that you need antibiotics -will definitely help with the pain. Sorry to hear about your bad experiences. This shouldn’t be happening to anyone. Hope you can find some help.
Mae it pains me literally to hear you going through this. I am so very sorry. I am guessing your not in the USA. There is no pain worse then tooth pain. I had children and the labor pains were a walk in the park compared to severe tooth pain.

I can't understand anyone letting you suffer like this. It just is not right. Here in the states if money is an issue or if you don't have dental insurance at least many dentists will offer some type of payment plan with you.

I hope you get the help you need soon and don't have to suffer like this.
Thanks everyone for your help. I managed to get some antibiotics a couple days ago and I'm already feeling much better.