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Calling the endodontist today

  • Thread starter Thread starter MountainMama
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? so sorry you have these worries and the pain. Have the antibiotics reduced the symptoms at all? As you know I'm in the two teeth, infection situation and it's my understanding that if it comes to it, extraction of both teeth will resolve the issue. I know that is the worst case for us both and not a certain by any means. The worry of infection 'stuck' in the bone is something I also worry about but I've been told the worst case is the two teeth out. Our situations are obviously unique but hope sharing mine can ease your worry a bit, feel less alone..... I was also told antibiotics deal with acute infection but do not resolve the chronic aspect, I also have on and off pain in the two teeth. It's hard not to tumble into worse and worse scenarios in your head when in pain and discomfort. I am struggling with that.

My extraction of one is coming up. I will then find out if that resolves the infection.

Sending you kind thoughts x

Thank you for the kind thoughts and words. My endodontist tells it like it is. She is former military and doesn't mince words, which I appreciate. However, she was reluctant to tell me much about what she was seeing in the x ray, other than that she was worried about a lesion in the bone at the back of the abscess. So that makes me worry as well.
She didn't say extraction would necessarily fix the problem either. In fact, she said she wanted to wait on extraction until she knew if the second tooth was compromised and what the lesion on the x ray looked like in 6 weeks.
Originally, back when she first did the root canal, she had told me she didn't prescribe clindamycin, except in extreme circumstances, since it was so hard on the body. I am trying to just accept that I may lose two teeth, but at least the infection would be gone.

Waiting is the worst part! Oh, and the antibiotics haven't really lessened any symptoms. Maybe the front tooth is a tad bit less tender to pressure, but I still can't even gently bite my lip without feeling it.
Thank you for the kind thoughts and words. My endodontist tells it like it is. She is former military and doesn't mince words, which I appreciate. However, she was reluctant to tell me much about what she was seeing in the x ray, other than that she was worried about a lesion in the bone at the back of the abscess. So that makes me worry as well.
She didn't say extraction would necessarily fix the problem either. In fact, she said she wanted to wait on extraction until she knew if the second tooth was compromised and what the lesion on the x ray looked like in 6 weeks.
Originally, back when she first did the root canal, she had told me she didn't prescribe clindamycin, except in extreme circumstances, since it was so hard on the body. I am trying to just accept that I may lose two teeth, but at least the infection would be gone.

Waiting is the worst part! Oh, and the antibiotics haven't really lessened any symptoms. Maybe the front tooth is a tad bit less tender to pressure, but I still can't even gently bite my lip without feeling it.
Sounds like you will have to wait to find out what's going on, that's tough but if you are in pain, maybe you can get back in touch with the Endo? Not good for anxiety to be told extraction may not fix it. Logic says the tooth with failed apio must be the source....I hope so. ??

I have not had extensive X-rays and my dentist can't see the issue from his X-rays but suspects the canine is fractured and causing the infection. I sincerely hope he's right. Today my gums are painful again around the two teeth and sensitive to touch, I'm pretty worried it is flaring up. It's not hurt for weeks. When it was first infected, the first I knew was swollen gum and he said the infection was nasty and large! Only just recovering from second molar being taken out, my jaw/clenching flared and calmed yesterday but today the front tooth is angry ? You couldn't make all this up could you?

Scary when we can't see or know what's going on but, despite anxiety, I'm pretty sure we will both come out the other side but it's debilitating to deal with things ongoing like this isn't it? I know I'm repeating myself ? It basically sucks ? Anxiety makes me feel life or death and prolonged steps to resolution like this are pretty tough for me to manage. I keep thinking I'm going to die - dramatic but that's me feeling like I can't cope anymore.
I saw Gordon's response to your query about what next..... thankfully it sounds like in his opinion major treatment for bone is unlikely ?? I wanted to share my own dentists approach is to remove one tooth first and see if the second recovers. Maybe that is an option for you? I have had a temp partial (yikes) made with a view to adding the second tooth if necessary, the lab were advised about this. Would you feel better if you explore all your opinions rather than wait for the six weeks if you feel the antibiotics aren't having an impact?
I saw Gordon's response to your query about what next..... thankfully it sounds like in his opinion major treatment for bone is unlikely ?? I wanted to share my own dentists approach is to remove one tooth first and see if the second recovers. Maybe that is an option for you? I have had a temp partial (yikes) made with a view to adding the second tooth if necessary, the lab were advised about this. Would you feel better if you explore all your opinions rather than wait for the six weeks if you feel the antibiotics aren't having an impact?

I didn't know adding a second tooth to a temporary was possible. I will have to check on that. I have a really important business meeting on April 3rd, so I figured it would be better to put it off until after that anyway.