• Dental Phobia Support

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Enhanced Dentistry

  • Thread starter Thread starter Surreyvwphobic
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A Happy New Year to all who have read this story and supported me over the last extraordinary year of my life. 2018 was indeed the year when I finally went from phobia to freedom in just a few remarkably short weeks and also buried some long outstanding flashback issues from decades prior into the bargain.

As my next cleaning looms for next week (Tuesday 26th February 2019 AD) in the meantime an update following an ongoing problem that had been raging alongside the daily ordeal of trying to keep my beleaguered teeth suitably clean without slinging blood and puss around between pampering from the professionals every few weeks.

I mentioned that I had been having quite extreme pain around one area of my upper jaw, in particular the vicinity of my top right number two eye tooth and its neighbours. As I suspected, it was indeed sinus related and, on a chance trip to my local osteopath, finally found solace and am now on a regular programme of treatment and care to coincide with the wonderful caring efforts of my tooth fairy Megan at "Enhance".

The treatment is basically a form of sacral cranial head massage which is largely very relaxing and I often doze off during the session, and sleep very well that night following the procedure. The therapy involves some quite intense work around the problem areas and the results are instant! Any tension or aching is gone instantly and the effects last several days at least. With the ongoing course of treatment I am hopeful that this problem will eventually subside totally and dental life will get even easier as a result. I will discuss this with my dentist as well when we next meet.

For those who are reading this in the UK and in Cambridgeshire, the lady that helped me with this was called Sally and she works at the Ely Complementary Health Centre, telephone (01353) 664 476. Ironically, this is directly opposite my dental practice! My next session is very fortunately scheduled for next Wednesday (the day after my next cleaning), so any tension or problems that had arisen from the dentistry can be swiftly settled.
Will write again next week following my next session.
Hello all you wonderful people.

As promised, my next update following my latest session. This took place yesterday (Tuesday 26th February 2019 AD) but I deliberately waited until today (Wednesday 27th) as I saw my osteopath again as well and thought I would wait and write about both experiences at the same time. I will write about the osteopath first, as this is quite quick to detail. I had a very pleasant 40 minute session which has indeed improved my sinuses and kept this nagging pain at bay, hopefully once and for all. If things flare up again, I can simply have another session as needed and solve the issue quite readily. On conversation with my dentist, I have arranged for my osteopath to send me a written resume of her findings and treatments, copies of which I am going to give to both of the dental practices I am registered at, so they are aware and know what to expect and how to move forward with any future issues.

Now, on to the dental session. This was a special one as it marked exactly a year since starting my journey originally with Sameera at "Smiles Better" in February 2018 AD and exactly six months since meeting Megan at "Enhance". The session was pretty much event free; hardly any discomfort worth mentioning and oodles of deliciously indulgent pampering from nurse Lisa stroking my face as she used the suction and mopped me regularly and loving polishing from the tooth fairy Megan as she spoke nice words alongside her work.

Megan had liaised with Cara (my other fairy I now call upon) and they both gave me heartfelt words of comfort and congratulations on my achievements of the year, confirmed by spectacular gum scores (now mostly 0 or 1 with a couple of 3). Previous dentists would never believe it to witness these scenes. Again, all that was needed was encouragement to soldier on with the apparently good work! What a relief.....

I did raise the issue of the couple of awkward teeth and Megan duly gave these problem areas special attention and has now confirmed with me that the two causes of my suffering were A) scar tissue from my 1994 osteotomy which, being near nerves can flare up from time to time and so can do little more than I am already doing to help this other than pain relief as needed, and B) sinus issues which again are near nerves as and related to above.

So, my beleaguered mouth is in the best place it has ever been in my entire life; I cannot do any better than I have done on official opinion, and I can now sleep so much better knowing I have the best care and spiritual support at my close disposal. My next cleaning is in May with Cara and then in August back with Megan. Depending on how the next session goes, I may start to look at setting up a "package" which might allow me more frequent sessions at a better price than going piecemeal as I am at the moment. My thanks once again to everyone in the dental world who have helped me to reach this happy and safe space at long last after so many traumatic and painful years.

From dental heaven with love. Simon XX
Hello folks. Believe it or not, May has come round already and so my next cleaning beckons; exactly a day to go. This will be my second session with Cara, the hygienist I met and had a very successful session with back in December (six months ago). Anyone who has not read about that session can find it in a one-off journal in the "Success Story" section and I have also written a spiel in the dentistry recommendations under East of England about Cara. I feel very happy about the cleaning aspect of it, though just a little unsure of how things will go, given that I have had a few difficult spells of pain that has meant I have had to skip a few more daily cleanings than I would otherwise have liked. Hopefully this will not be an issue. I will write again following my session and tell all how things went. Fingers crossed that all will go well again.........

From dental heaven with love. Simon XX
Hello folks. As promised, the latest resume on how things went. The session today was very successful, with no problems to report and a reasonably straightforward cleaning carried out as planned. Unusually this time, I had Cara all to myself with no nurse present and the scaling side of the operation was this time done all with hand tools. Despite my fears and dreadful past experiences, this session was totally pain free and very well measured. A very good job indeed. The favourite polishing stage passed all too quickly and I was thus passed fit to go and fight my way towards the next one with Megan again in August.

I am in a little discomfort now, but this should settle within the hour or so; it feels like the aftermath of a fight which seems strange given that the session itself was so easy and seemingly pain free. I still prefer the ultrasonic method, which I will push for again next time. The advantage of the hand tool was though, it was lovely and quiet! So my tinnitus was spared.........

From dental heaven with love. Simon XX
Great! Enjoy this success.
Thanks to all for your support. Sadly I had a setback following what I thought was an otherwise good session yesterday. Although the cleaning did indeed not hurt unduly, the method of cleaning ended up leaving me in agony for a couple of hours shortly after writing my spiel; I put it down to the natural adrenalin rush that one has in the chair that blocks pain at that moment, but on relaxation a while after, the pain suddenly shows itself. I did not mention yesterday that my session was a bit shorter in time than it should have been, which meant that time for comfort stops were limited (though I did get one between the scale and the polish aspects). My lady did get everything done to her usual top standard and the results look lovely as before, but what a shame the session was so spoilt just for lack of time! I can only hope and pray that the next session (back with Megan again) will be more pleasant and no horrid after effects.........

I try and forgive and forget; the practice I am with are normally so wonderful XX.

From dental heaven with love. Simon XX
Thank you for sharing. I am sorry to hear you are suffering.

How are you feeling now? Any better?
Hello everyone. Thanks for your kind words and well wishes. I feel so disappointed after such a good run of good experiences, that this latest session was such a trial for me mentally. Although as I had mentioned a few days ago the session was largely pain free, being alone under the cosh of a sharp instrument brought back memories which I am doing my hardest to forget.

I pray to God that my next session back with Megan will be alright again and that I can remain and continue to enjoy this local practice, otherwise I could yet find myself being faced with having to move on yet again. At my time of life I really do not want to have to go through this aggro anymore.............

The good news is at least my teeth have now settled down again and look and feel wonderful. I have managed to restart cleanings for the last two days and all seems well.

Love Simon XX
Glad things have settled down a little for you and hope you can get the sonic tools next time with the lovely Megan from Dental Heaven.. You are an inspiration Simon, always good to hear from you!
Agreed with our great KR!

You are doing wonderful, Simon. You are an excellent example.
Bless you all. Things seem to have settled back to normal at last apart from one of my front teeth still feeling quite sensitive at times (this is one that was at right angles to its current position until it was straightened round back in 1994). This tooth has a continued tendency to want to try and flip back round despite being fixed by a cemented bridge from behind and I think the recent intensive cleaning of past months has aggravated it somewhat. There is little I can do about this other than painkillers if all gets too extreme. The toothpaste I use does help a little and at least ensures no other harm is caused.

The one comfort I can draw from this latest experience is that thanks to the wonderful help I received from the team at "Smiles Better" in Kings Lynn, I have plenty of options out there I can call upon thanks to the lessening of my past phobia down to simple anxiety and sensitivity. The right people can manage this successfully; the lesson I have learnt from all of this is that I need time for a session; one size does not indeed fit all!

Thanks again to everyone on here who has supported me through this blip, and will write again when my next session comes up in August.

From dental heaven with love. Simon XX
A quickie - I have posted a little aside following recent experiences and other journals that I have read on here. You can find this under my other journal titled "Smiles Better". As before, any further rants and updates will continue on this thread.

Love peace and kindred spirits to all. Simon XX
A month to go until I am due to meet Megan again for my next six month review and another cleaning top up. Following the letdown in May, I am arranging to meet the practice manager in the coming days in order to ensure that there are no hard feelings or nasty repercussions during my next visit. I pray that all will be well and that the next session will be back to the usual caring pleasantness that I enjoyed in previous sessions with Megan. Will write again after this meeting has taken place.......

Love peace and kindred spirits to all. Simon XX
Wishing you the best heavenly session again Simon!! You had such positive momentum and sure they always enjoy your presence.. look forward to hearing of a beautiful visit!
Wishing you the best heavenly session again Simon!! You had such positive momentum and sure they always enjoy your presence.. look forward to hearing of a beautiful visit!
Bless you! Thanks for your words of encouragement. Will write again after my meeting with them in the coming days. Love Simon
Thanks to you all for your support during this sticky period in my dental life. I am pleased to report that I did pop into my dentist today (weds 24th July) and the meeting was very positive indeed. As hoped, I spoke with a lovely lady on reception named Rebecca, who I have got to know and trust after joining “Enhance” last year, and she was so kind and apologetic for what had happened back in May, and resolved to put things right, promising that all would be well when I next see Megan in just a few days time now. Hopefully this will spell the end of an unfortunate blip and normal service and comfort resumed!
This is actually again a shining example of how any medical practice should help patients with distress; it was so nice to be listened to without reproach and being given the time and space to open up and hopefully get a positive outcome moving forward. Fingers crossed; will write again after this next session with Megan..........

From dental heaven with love. Simon XX
This is so good to hear Simon!! just lovely.. Can't wait to hear of your experience with Meagan soon!!:grouphug:
Hello folks. I cannot believe that it is already three months on and just a week to go now before the next session, this time back with Megan. Not too phased about the treatment side of things, but a bit apprehensive about the reception I will get following the woeful saga of my previous cleaning session back in May. Management have assured me that all will be well, but having gone through a very dark spell of depression and flashbacks again recently, all I want is to be in caring hands again.

I did make an extraordinary discovery whilst exploring the web recently; I have discovered a place a few miles away from me in a village called Burwell (on the border of Cambridge and Suffolk counties in UK). Amazingly, I see one of their ladies specialises in jaw pain and disorders; I am very tempted to treat myself to a meeting with this lady and if all works out, might then make this place as my second "backup" retreat for such times when "Enhance" cannot help for any reason. This place looks very good indeed, for anyone looking and starting from scratch in this area I would say it is well worth investigating. From my perspective, it might be somewhere that can help with my specific difficulties, where so many otherwise superb practices simply do not have the knowledge, time or inclination to help and support with this condition. The only disadvantage of this place is that it is not near to public transport and so private means are needed if one is to avail themselves of this place.

That aside, fingers and toes crossed for a successful and happy experience next Tuesday.......

With love and kindred spirits to all. Simon XX
You are one smart cookie to have a backup practice.

It is always a pleasure to read your updates. Good luck.
Thanks everyone! Got the automated reminder email today so all set for next week. Will write again after this session. Love Simon XX