I hope that all goes well, I will definitely be thinking of you! The last root canals I've had , not even the initial anesthetic hurt. it was completely pain free. Part of this was I had an endo and a dentist that really listened to me and I trusted would stop if I had fears or pains and they did with any hesitation though I had no pain, just fear I would have pain. The pain relief techniques now a days is far better than when I was a child, not sure how old you are ..but for me, well that is a few

say 30 plus. Dentistry has come so far and I think so many dentists are really sensitive to your pain tolerance level and want to make it as comfortable and easy for you. If there is any bit of discomfort tell them and they should immediately stop and make you comfortable. I really wish the best for you! Let us know how it goes.. Doing something new is scary.. I'm doing something new too tomorrow and just a bit nervous myself.. Thankfully it helps knowing my dentist will stop if I have any inkling of pain or discomfort .