• Dental Phobia Support

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Finally made first appointment

  • Thread starter Thread starter ReginaPhalange
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REgina, if you are going Tuesday , maybe we will be sitting in the chair at the same time. I'm going too.. I'll remember and send positive energy your way!
I hope both our experiences are great! I'll be looking out for your update. I'll probably be here within ten minutes of getting out!
Sending you both good vibes on Tuesday!
Ditto- all the best Tuesday - keeping my fingers crossed for both of you :thumbsup: ( and hope you get an email reply soon to help with the uncertainty!)
Good luck for both of you! Thinking good thoughts!
That's exciting that you heard something finally. Root canal would take a lot longer than 30 minutes (I think mine took over 2 hours plus 2ish hours when I went back for the crown). A cleaning could be 30 minutes or possibly a small filling???
I hope i misheard the half hour appointment thing, based on this. It's quite possible since I'm not the best on phone calls. Hopefully he'll take as long as is needed to do it well.

I fell today and scraped my knee and hurt my foot a bit. Maybe if that's still sore i can concentrate on that pain and not notice what's happening in my mouth!
Sorry to hear about your knee and foot :( - hopefully it won't feel sore for too long!!

All the best for tomorrow :grouphug:
Got a reply, he'll be starting the RCT tomorrow and also at the next appointment. o_O

Have you had an RCT before? I had my first one not too long ago and I was honestly surprised at how easy it was.
Have you had an RCT before? I had my first one not too long ago and I was honestly surprised at how easy it was.
No, never. Trying to not worry too much as it won't help. I just need to focus on the fact that this is finally one less thing on the list (and quite a major thing at that). Haven't had anything done since I was a child. I vaguely remember being told an extraction wouldn't hurt and it did and mentally using that as an excuse to not go again. I've hopefully grown out of that now and will be as surprised as you were at how easy it was. Thanks!

I hope that all goes well, I will definitely be thinking of you! The last root canals I've had , not even the initial anesthetic hurt. it was completely pain free. Part of this was I had an endo and a dentist that really listened to me and I trusted would stop if I had fears or pains and they did with any hesitation though I had no pain, just fear I would have pain. The pain relief techniques now a days is far better than when I was a child, not sure how old you are ..but for me, well that is a few :) say 30 plus. Dentistry has come so far and I think so many dentists are really sensitive to your pain tolerance level and want to make it as comfortable and easy for you. If there is any bit of discomfort tell them and they should immediately stop and make you comfortable. I really wish the best for you! Let us know how it goes.. Doing something new is scary.. I'm doing something new too tomorrow and just a bit nervous myself.. Thankfully it helps knowing my dentist will stop if I have any inkling of pain or discomfort .

I hope that all goes well, I will definitely be thinking of you! The last root canals I've had , not even the initial anesthetic hurt. it was completely pain free. Part of this was I had an endo and a dentist that really listened to me and I trusted would stop if I had fears or pains and they did with any hesitation though I had no pain, just fear I would have pain. The pain relief techniques now a days is far better than when I was a child, not sure how old you are ..but for me, well that is a few :) say 30 plus. Dentistry has come so far and I think so many dentists are really sensitive to your pain tolerance level and want to make it as comfortable and easy for you. If there is any bit of discomfort tell them and they should immediately stop and make you comfortable. I really wish the best for you! Let us know how it goes.. Doing something new is scary.. I'm doing something new too tomorrow and just a bit nervous myself.. Thankfully it helps knowing my dentist will stop if I have any inkling of pain or discomfort .
Thanks for that encouragement. I'm 39, I didn't really have any major bad experiences like it seems to have been before my time, so i don't really have anything very traumatic to blame my fear on, but I do think if I'd been told it would hurt before it did, I wouldn't have lost some trust. It definitely sounds like things have improved a lot and I feel like I can trust my dentist.

I hope tomorrow goes well for you too!
Tomorrow night you both will be home cozy in your beds and your dental appointments will be done and you'll hopefully be sharing with us how it went! You know we'll be thinking about you wondering what's happening! :D :D

Well that was fine. Tiny bit of pain getting the anaesthetic, but I pinched my hand at the same time and it wasn't really any worse than that. So I'm not even bothered about getting that again.

Lots of sensations which he gave me a heads up on each time. He also told me to let him know any time I needed a break, and he kept checking I was ok throughout.

The numb feeling is weird, hopefully I'll be able to talk normally by this evening! I'm going to take ibuprofen now just in case it gets painful. The water will probably go everywhere ?

It did only take about half an hour (after the numbing) which seems short compared to what I've heard. He told me it's about 75% done and next week will be finishing and a crown. It was quite inflamed and the nerve was bleeding quite a bit but I think he said it wasn't infected. Not totally sure what it means, I thought infection was the whole reason for RCT.

Also, he didn't use a dam, which wouldn't bother me but from what others say it's really important :confused:

All in all, I'm pleased and just hope there haven't been/won't be any complications.
It hasn't put me off going back anyway. :cloud9:
I am probably gonna need to be completely knocked out before I get My teeth extracted. I am pretty petrified of Dentists.
I am probably gonna need to be completely knocked out before I get My teeth extracted. I am pretty petrified of Dentists.
I thought I would want to be knocked out for root canal treatment as it's something so many fear. I was petrified of dentists for a long time. I would cross the street to not walk past one and it took me years to make an appointment. But I'm so glad I did.

All the best to you with your treatment, hope you are able to manage your phobia ok.
I thought I would want to be knocked out for root canal treatment as it's something so many fear. I was petrified of dentists for a long time. I would cross the street to not walk past one and it took me years to make an appointment. But I'm so glad I did.

All the best to you with your treatment, hope you are able to manage your phobia ok.
I just hope My Dentist can handle My Dissibiltity. I have a tuff time remember things they tell Me.
Well done! Such courage.
Well done :welldone: and congratulations :party:!!

Sorry to hear that he didn't use a dam - seems to be a common problem with NHS molar endo :( (outside the salaried dental services, anyway), despite it being the standard of care in the UK. But unless it becomes mandated by the Chief Dental Officer, things won't change. Keeping my fingers crossed that it works out all the same :thumbsup:.

You've done sooo well :grouphug:. Oh - and I hope the numbness has worn off by now and you've had a chance to celebrate!
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