Thanks! I have been in touch today with 111, who said that yes, I should be able to get treatment somewhere. They gave me four numbers to ring. The first three all said that they were then about to close and have been told to by the government. (?) So that left me one number, which is the local emergency dentist (The Siskin Centre in Norwich, Norfolk) who took my tooth out in the first place! This is also where the nurse who worked alongside the dentist lady I saw, told me last week that my request for dental help for my digging in tooth (having told her that it IS an emergency to me) is only 'cosmetic' and that they wouldn't do anything to help me (I never got to speak to the dentist). However, like you said letsconnect, I am still in physical pain. I touched the roof of my mouth last night with my tongue (just inside the extraction site) and nearly went through the roof! (Of my house, not my mouth). The pain is just like a bolt of lightening or an electric shock. So if I can even get past the nurse and manage to actually get my only chance of an appointment with a dentist in the whole of Norfolk, I will tell her about the pain, which I hope she will tackle and I will try to carefully ask for any advice she can give about my other problem at the same time, which I think is actually the bigger one. Shooting pains I can handle quite easily it would seem, but waves of fear and panic attacks are another thing entirely!
Gordon, no I am not taking any of them, nor having chemotherapy for my Prostate Cancer. I am currently on Hormone Therapy, (Prostap 3DCS, 3-monthly injections) having been on Bicalutamide tablets for a month and then also these injections two weeks after starting with the tablets. I WILL be having Radio Therapy from early June, for about two months, so don't know if I need to do anything different then, but the dentist I will hopefully see tomorrow, knows all about these latest treatments. Should I not manage to get an appointment, which I think is most likely to happen due to this odd nurse, then I shall be in touch with the PALS service, as letsconnect suggested. I read your interview on this site on Sunday Gordon, where it said that you enjoyed making up dentures and since you mentioned having a single, temporary one made and fitted, don't know if you may know of anyone who could do such a thing or anywhere I could go to achieve this please? I know it's a long shot with all this Corona stuff going on, but I really cannot imagine living like this for another three months, with no relief!
One dentist I spoke to today, suggested using a kind of dental gum to either fill the hole or cover the teeth edges temporarily, though he didn't really elaborate much on how to do this? I don't want to have to resort to making my own denture up, as I found a truckload of YouTube videos on the subject, yet probably daren't attempt to do anything like that! Even though some of them do look OK. You never know though, three months is a really long time. If the PALS service can't help me, maybe I should get on a train to Scotland and take advantage of their 'high risk patient' service! Though I'll bet that's only for Scottish residents?
Thank you both again for your caring and helpful ideas.