Why hello there! Happy 2023 my fellow phobics! I hope the new year finds all of you well wherever you are in your dental journey.
To be honest, I thought I’d be making my first post in a few months tomorrow, after my latest appointment, but ah, no. It appears I need to journal
now, the day before. Tomorrow I have an appointment to get my dental impressions done and—
I don’t think I’m going to be able to do it.
I mean go in? Meet the denturist? Yeah, sure, I can do that.
But get the impressions done?
I really don’t think so. And that’s not even just the fear talking, that’s just a logical basis I have after watching various videos of impressions being done. And I mean the traditional ones, not the newer ones with the wand because those, I think I’d be fine with those
Someone make that the standard please.
Even without anxiety and trauma, my gag reflex is high. No exaggeration. And it gets astronomically worse when I’m anxious. I basically can’t have anything that I’m not controlling anywhere near my mouth (the trauma if you read my first post, informs of that.) So I dunno how I’m going to get that tray in my mouth. I was looking into it, and I noticed there are some impression trays that don’t have a palette included, and I wonder if they have those and if those are an option for me since I’m just getting upper partials? Or will I have to have the whole shebang, in which case, good luck to them because yeah—I mean watching the video made me start shaking profusely with my muscles tensing up and wanting to cry. Actual tears have been forming in my eyes.
I keep reminding myself, that I have the power. I can say no. Even it makes me a difficult patient. When I was 15 and went to that god awful dentist, I flat out refused to put the bite wing in my mouth for x-rays knowing it was too big and I would gag. It wouldn’t work. They were angry, called me a baby and said terrible things to me, but I held my ground. If I could do that then, at 15, I sure as hell can do that now as a full grown adult. And this dental place has been so kind to me so far. I can only hope, they’ll understand if I tell them no. At least this time. I only have so long before my teeth start shifting you know. And I got mine out in October.
Speaking of which, everything is going pretty great with my teeth! I haven’t done anything else yet, no cavities filled or cleanings done, but that is going to be a thing that happens this year, I’m sure.
Eating is fine. I do have to eat in smaller bites, but it’s really nothing. I can eat salad again! (Something I actually keep forgetting LOL)
The biggest thing is really that I’m not using my remaining front tooth like, at all. It’s been restored and it’s fine, but I keep worrying about biting down with it because I fear it will just shatter or crack. The paranoia is real.
I still get the phantom tooth feeling with my other no longer there front tooth area. It’s such a funky feeling. Mostly it seems to happen with air, the gum gets a bit sensitive and it feels like my tooth is
right there, even when it isn’t.
Overall, my quality of life has improved so much, and that’s before the partial restoring my smile. Like I’m shocked at how much better it’s been.
It’s amazing how I can eat food now and not worry it’s going to give me bad breath by getting stuck in rotting teeth or holes that can’t be prepared. I mean sure, garlic and onion still provide a taste LOL but nothing a breath mint doesn’t fix! Isn’t that amazing? When I wake up in the morning my breath isn’t so bad.
And I haven’t missed a day brushing my teeth since I’ve gotten my teeth out and been able to brush them again! There are occasions where I’ve missed the morning, but
never the evening. So at least once a day, though I’m trying to be consistent with twice a day (the big problem is waking up late and being hungry and knowing if I brush my teeth, I have to wait 30 minutes until I can eat LOL) work in progress, but definitely progress.
Honestly I don’t even really notice a difference in not having those four teeth. Maybe with the premolar missing (because it is there on the other side) but with everything else, it’s pretty much like business as usual. One side of my lip (with premolar and front tooth) is a bit higher than the other but nothing noticeable. It’s really something. And I’m so proud of myself for doing this.
I just wish I wasn’t so terrified about tomorrow and wondering how it was going to go. Like I don’t know how it’s going to happen. I don’t foresee it being a thing I can realistically do if they’re using a full tray of that size, full goop, and leaving it there for a few minutes. But I guess we’ll see. No point looking at videos on the Internet and making anything about that as a reality to what will happen to me.
I’m reminded in my first appointment (way back in March of last year when the dentist said I needed extractions) that she went to talk to the denturist, to ask what might happen with my gag reflex. She never told me what happened with that (perhaps she didn‘t get a chance to meet with him or some such, it was a bit of a mess at the end of the appointment), but that gives me some hope. Like clearly my gag reflex was registering as an issue and they wanted to do everything they could to make me comfortable or find ways around it. I have to trust they’ll do that here. And if they don’t? I say “thank you but I will not be continuing with the appointment today.” It’s as simple as that. Power, power, power. I have it.
I really wish this post as a comeback were a bit more positive, but to the community: hi, I’m back and I really hope you’ve been taking care of yourself!
I’m off to take some painkillers (stress headache damn it), and to have a little positive vibe circle for tomorrow. Wish me luck everyone! (And if anyone has reassurance, yes, please, I’ll take that too.)
P.S. I know breathing through the nose works wonders, but I couldn’t stand all these videos acting like that would “fix” a high gag reflex on its own. Sorry to say, if you’re like me? It really doesn’t LOL