I think you should get a different dentist with a better attitude. You want one that makes you comfortable. The symptoms you describe are the precursor to synoscope. If this happens with other things like getting a flu shot then it is not an allergy. What happens is basically your blood pressure drops to the point you almost black out. It doesn’t need to be like this. I used to feel the same and get all worked up even briefly nauseous and hot flashes then a cold sweat. I decided not to, and it used to be real hard to put myself into the zone, but each time it got easier and my experience got better. It sounds crazy stupid but facing my fear helped, and it really doesn’t bother me anymore hardly at all. I went and got a flu shot (Preservative-free quadrivalent) I got my Tetnus shot updated, etc. Do things to face your fear and put yourself in the zone. I used to close my eyes and not look. I tell myself it is not going to happen and it doesn’t. You are not probably Not allergic to any of the modern amine antestitics dentists use because allergies are exceptionally rare. They don’t use Novacaine anymore because it was an eater and about 1 in 20 had some reaction. What they use now is quit safe to the point an entire football stadium has fewer than a handful of folks truly Allergic! There are dentists practicing 20 years who have never seen a true allergic reaction to local anesthesia, but they see anxiety daily!
The worst thing is when you feel an anxiety attack, like you describe you think something went wrong, and are immediately fearful you are dying of an allergic reaction, and then you feel worse. You need to know you are okay to feel okay.
Just ask your dentist his opinion of using Articane if you sometimes have Felt the slightest pain in the past. It’s about 1.5 times more effective at blocking the sodium channels, and it is 4% vs 2% ultimately making it 3 times more potent than lidocaine. It passes lipid barriers better, has better profusion through soft bone. Lastly both are extremely safe and wear off in roughly the same amount of time. I am a red head and lidocaine always made it where I can tolerate a procedure, but it would feel like 7 out of 10 sensitivity like pain like the air and water exhaust were ice cold and the drill was a hot poker. It felt tolerable but just barely for me. If I complained I would end up getting as many as 7 injections and end up numb for 6 to 7 hours after, yet it worked 100% only half the time.
Then I had a dentist try Articane on me and it made a world of difference. You also need to sit and relax 3 to 5 minutes after getting the juice for it to fully work! I never thought you could fill a tooth with one shot nor did I think it possible to not feel pain. I was wrong. I experienced no pain for the first time in my life. I honestly couldn’t tell if he was drilling a top or bottom tooth! A perfect 0 for pain. Honestly, I calmed to the point I felt like I was in deep meditation almost like sleeping. When it was over I felt rested and refreshed. I felt great.
You will get through this and not only survive, but you will thrive. Please find a caring dentist who doesn’t talk down to you like he is trying to fire a patient for being apprehensive. With the right dentist, numbing meds, desensitization, and putting yourself in your zone, you could have a very positive experience. I wish you could experience my dentist. He would do a great job, make you feel good about yourself, and you wouldn’t feel any pain.
If you feel like you are passing out, squeeze all your chest muscles and legs like fighter pillows do. It will raise your blood pressure just a bit and reduce symptoms and duration. It also changes your focus.