• Dental Phobia Support

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Hi apples, I don't think anyone has taken offence to anything you have said :) (well, I for one think that your posts have always been really helpful) :grouphug:
PS: oops I've just realised what might have made you think that - be assured that my comments referred solely to the comments made by the dentist, not to anything else anyone has said on this thread, or indeed, this forum!
PS: oops I've just realised what might have made you think that - be assured that my comments referred solely to the comments made by the dentist, not to anything else anyone has said on this thread, or indeed, this forum!
Dear letsconnect,
Thank you very, very much for your reassurance. :) I still have a funny taste in my mouth, (excuse the pun), so I think I'll probably think a bit more before I write in future, just in case. Thank you again, the reasurrance was needed as feeling pretty guilty at the moment just in case!!!!
Don't be silly apples I didn't take offence I totally understand what you meant you were just trying to give me options that's all honest it's fine lol and Kim don't you worry somehow I will do this there has got to be someone out there that can help me out :) thank u so much for all your support :)
Don't be silly apples I didn't take offence I totally understand what you meant you were just trying to give me options that's all honest it's fine lol and Kim don't you worry somehow I will do this there has got to be someone out there that can help me out :) thank u so much for all your support :)
Dear Sironaster
I really, really hope you find a solution and that the process of finding one doesn't drain you! All the support and luck in the world are sent your way, hopefully it'll come in a gentle way if you know what i mean!:redface:
apples, nup, no-one takes offence on here, seriously, there would be no point in us being here if that was the case, and I don't know anyone who has. Like lets, your posts are helpful, and it is always good to get other people's perspectives on things :mad: me :hatecomputer: is driving me mad, all of me keys are not doing what they are told ;)

I remember all those months ago, the finances were for me the BIGGEST thing. After a bit, and help, the thing to get right in the first instance is the right dentist. I even think that if the person is right, and you are straight up and honest with them, then they will do all they can to help you get what you need to get done. Even if you are not 'flush' with money. I myself know that I wouldn't try to 'rip' anyone off money wise or any other wise.

And the fact that I walked out of the surgery the other day, despite changes being made and a lot of time spent by Lincoln doing adjustments, and I just did my normal escape, leaves me to be thinking I should have paid something....... so I will e-mail Lincoln - just in case :confused::confused::confused::confused::hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm::innocent::innocent::innocent:

You will get that person :)
Thanks to both of you we will all stick together on our journeys :) Kim u know you said adjustments do you mind me asking do u mean for dentures? I know I'm young but that's what I want it's amazing how real they actually look the dentist on Tuesday said if I was her daughter she wouldn't want me having dentures but its not put me off lol :)
Hi Sironastar:)
I need to tread carefully here but here goes.......
If possible your own teeth are far preferable to dentures. I don't know what condition your teeth are in but you should fight to keep your own teeth if you can. Your teeth are a long time gone and dentures do not function as well as real teeth.
If you really need a denture because your teeth can't be saved then fair enough. I know it might seem like the cheap quick fix you need for your wedding but in the long term you can get a better solution. Your real teeth will be a long time gone.
Best Wishes :hug:
Whoa - I have gone into panic mode with you saying that - you have good teeth - you can get all the work you need to be done without having full mouth extractions. It is not an easy option having all your teeth out. Do not think it is. It needs a whole lot of thinking about, a whole lot of discussions and a whole lot of understanding to what it all entails.

You are a young person - you may need to go down this road when you are older, but not at your age unless it is absolutely necessary, and there is no other option open to you. You do need work done, but you can work with that and all that there is to offer. Last resort for you missus - it was right for me, but I think you need to think properly about your options xx
Sorry I didn't mean full dentures I mean a partial I need 4 extracted from the front you see I don't want all my teeth gone lol thanks to both of you for replying :)
Seems like this thread has got all mixed up one way or the other, what with people thinking they have upset each other and all.

Right Kim you got out of that one very nicely,

Coolin well done the voice or words of reason

Letsconnect nicely done there

apples we all understand what you meant, you haven't upset anyone, so stay tuned in, we enjoy your company.

Sironaster I hope you find a dentist you can work with soon, I used to want dentures but I have realised that it can be a troublesome at times road to getting used to them. Do you know for sure that you need your 4 front teeth out?
And on to me, well I just wanted to join in and say, Hi and I hope everyone feels good tonight.
Sorry if this is a silly question - you mentioned in an earlier post (different thread) that you had a partial denture made - was this for the same teeth or for different ones :confused:

Partial dentures also have disadvantages (some discomfort, not as stable as a bridge or implant, clasps may be visible, and they can make adjacent teeth more prone to decay and gum problems, especially if oral hygiene isn't brilliant). I presume these are some of the reasons why the last dentist advised against partial dentures.

However, there are many people who get along just fine with them, and a bridge can also bring challenges with regards to cleaning the spaces in between. So at the end of the day, it's a case of weighing up all the options and trying to figure out what would be best for you, and what would best fit your expectations, and only you can make that judgment :grouphug:

ps: carole, what are you implying by "nicely done there"???? you are the ultimate troublemaker :naughty: :grin:!!
Aaww thanks carol and let's connect the partial denture is temporary when the 4 teeth are removed it then has to heal, however I do have the option of denture or bridge but I'm swaying towards denture there is a new denture called valplast I specifically asked for a quote for that on Tuesday aswell as the bridge quote but I only got the bridge quote figures lol I would like to thank you all for your comments I was feeling very deflated but after our group hug I'm feeling more positive again have any of you had the sedation? I really want sedation as I'm that scared a friend of mine has had 4 teeth out under sedation and she said its a breeze and not to worry as it will feel like two minutes when it's probably an hour lol I'm hoping all cases are like that for people having sedation sounds fab will be a break from worrying about this flippin fear while im under tol haha
Another whoa- this time because I can breathe again ;)
Haha Kim you are a star :)
Haha Kim you are a star :)

Hi Sironastar,
I'm bieng really careful here!!!!! When you're talking about a sedation are you thinking of using the sedation route for all your treatment needs (now and future) or just for your extractions. :hmm:

Oh yes, i'm also curious as to exactly what "nicely done" meant. ;D
Oh dear, now I am in trouble :eek:

I have just had to read this thread again, I meant "nicely done" for putting apples mind at rest that she had not upset anyone, I kinda scanned the thread and thought Oh no, I don't like anyone to think they have upset people on here when they clearly haven't.

So am I forgiven? No harm meant, just me being flippant without reading things properly, that'll teach me :naughty:

Sironastar I cannot help you with the sedation question, but I do have a bridge and have had it for about 20 years now, I think they are much better than having a plate with teeth on. I had a plate before having the bridge so I have experience of both.

This is me leaving now quietly before I get into more trouble :innocent:
Haha thanks Carole I'm quite impressed with the valplast denture though there's no plate it moulds around your existing teeth quite impressive but I'm sure a bridge will be a lot cheaper in other practices than it was on Tuesday so I am willing to discuss all options when I find the dentist that's out there for me lol and apples as I'm so scared I will probably need sedation from the start I can have extractions, fillings and temporary denture fitted in one sitting I was told on Tuesday which is really good but I think it maybe an idea to concentrate on the top first then do the bottom as 1. It will be sore all round my mouth no doubt and 2. It will spread the cost a bit more :) xx