• Dental Phobia Support

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Any anxiety suffers have extensive dental treatment ?

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Thanks for replying and great support
No it's not NHS there's only 3 dentists where I live that have NHS spaces and all reviews werent good
I just thought it through and said yes to the appointment it's an emergency so won't be a big one just to deal for the toothache at the back but I'm dreading it
The doctor really annoyed me I was so anxious saying anything to him and when I did he said well yes you can tell you are by your body language ?
So it's been 15 years since proper dental work and 2-3 emergency one since
I know my front bottom teeth are packed with tartar and last time I had hygynist it was super bad but that was 21 years ago no pain relief

I'm anxious my ibs d will keep me running to the toilet but it's come to the point of fear loosing my front teeth

Thankyou again ?

I lost my four front uppers last November - I was terrified of this since they grew in age 6.I have gorgeous little dentures now. :)
It's been the best thing I ever did.
I wish I had done it years ago for all the hell I have suffered.

I am not kidding and I am not 'trying to put a good light on this.
I was terrified - excessively so.
All my fears - I got through.
You will - when you really need to you will/
I could not hardly eat, I could barely speak - for 3 months.
It was hellish and I felt so lonely.

My dental treatment was my way out of solitude and it has been amazing!
Life is happening for me again.
I lost my four front uppers last November - I was terrified of this since they grew in age 6.I have gorgeous little dentures now. :)
It's been the best thing I ever did.
I wish I had done it years ago for all the hell I have suffered.

I am not kidding and I am not 'trying to put a good light on this.
I was terrified - excessively so.
All my fears - I got through.
You will - when you really need to you will/
I could not hardly eat, I could barely speak - for 3 months.
It was hellish and I felt so lonely.

My dental treatment was my way out of solitude and it has been amazing!
Life is happening for me again.

I'm glad you are free of the fear :(

It's my bottom front that are decayed and gum disease no wobbly teeth they just have lots tartar :(
I went - actually nearly cried on the way and thought I was going to throw up
Got in dentist filled forms waited 15 minutes over concious my ibs may flare up
It didn't ?

The dentist was lovely went through my history and was reassuring
Then she looked examined my mouth

She then sat me up me dreading the words
Lots treatment
Loosing teeth

She said I've referred pain from clenching my truth the pain is from my muscles my wisdom tooth is okay the tooth next to it has an old filling that needs reworking
I need a deep clean under sedation in 5 weeks
Said my teeth are in good condition & she plains to get me in regularly for a check up and clean

I'm actually in shock

Walked indoors my husband was ott what's wrong then you said it was going to be really bad ......
I said hey what about well done for going it took me 15 years :(

He said I can't relate to a phobia so I don't understand

So I'm really releaved all these times I've had pain in my ear has tooth it's clenching

Not looking forward to my teeth after deep clean at bottom though .....
Hey, you made it, well done! :jump: You should be really proud of yourself!

Glad to hear it was good news too. I know you've got the cleaning to work up to, but I think you really have done the hardest part, walking through the door for the first time.
Hey, you made it, well done! :jump: You should be really proud of yourself!

Glad to hear it was good news too. I know you've got the cleaning to work up to, but I think you really have done the hardest part, walking through the door for the first time.

Thankyou Tink my ear hurts again still warey

How are you ?
Thankyou Tink my ear hurts again still warey

How are you ?

Good, thanks :)

If the pain is from clenching then I guess it could take a wee while to recede, hang in there!
I'm glad you are free of the fear :(

It's my bottom front that are decayed and gum disease no wobbly teeth they just have lots tartar :(

I'm not free of the fear at all - I just got through it when I had to! My phobia is still right up there.
I 'was' sick the morning before my appointments (each one) and did cry almost all the way through my first.

Since this post it seems you're lucky - nowhere near as bad as you thought and not a p[patch on what I went through - that's superb!!

You will feel very sensitive after the cleaning so some sensitive toothpaste is wise to get in stock and avoid very cold (especially) or hot drinks or you'll really feel it big time.

Well done!!! :)