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Face is massively swollen after wisdom teeth removal



Oct 5, 2012
Hi, yesterday I had my lower left wisdom tooth removed it was impacted, it took about 20 minutes (including injections) it went pretty well. However I went to sleep once I got home and about 4 hours later my face ballooned, it has gotten more and more swollen since yesterday, I look like I have been badly beaten up I feel very bruised but cannot see any bruises. I cant open my mouth wider than a finger width without it causing me alot of pain. Also feels like I have bad tonsillitis very scratchy and hard to swallow but this could be the stitches. The bleeding has stopped now though. Is this all normal? Will it calm down? It really hurts :/
Hi Viki... if you can tolerate it use an ice pack. When I had my top wisdoms out I filled 2 clean socks with ice and tied them together at the open ends then placed it over my head where the ice sat on both sides of my jaws. I didn't really swell much with those but I plan on doing the same when I have the bottoms out. Ice would be good to use for a while but it wouldn't hurt to call your dentist/oral surgeon and let them know and make sure all is well and you don't have any kind of infection, since you mentioned your throat being sore. I think that is a pretty common thing with wisdom tooth extraction especially when they are impacted. I would also try to prop yourself up when resting instead of lying flat. Hope this helps some and hope someone else will put in their 2 cents also.
Here are some more tips I found under the FAQ sections.... just follow the link:

Vicki, if you are still around I sent you a private message.