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Fillings in between front teeth?? How???



Junior member
Jul 23, 2019
Hi all, sorry to bother you again with another post but I can't help being so worrisome...

I am finally adjusting to my temporary crown. Apart from the paranoia that bacteria will get underneath my gum line and infect my poor tooth, I think I am okay. Now my concern has shifted over towards something else... my fillings.

My dentist is booked so it will be a couple of months before I can get in for my fillings. I am on a call list just in case there is an opening before my scheduled appointment and I hope that there is. I'm worried my cavities (all NINE of them, many of them in between my front top and bottom teeth and the rest on my molars) will decay even further while I wait to have them filled. I'm paranoid I will have more filling than tooth and that it will look quite strange or just different from my current smile. As of right now, you can't really see that I have any cavities as they are in between my teeth. The only sign is a bit of discoloration and a small gap in between my two front teeth (which to me is SOOOOO unsightly!)

I'm worried that there will be gaps in between my teeth because some tooth will need to be removed to replace the decay.I feel it will be a big portion of my teeth. :cry: I'm scared to death that my smile will be permanently altered and my self esteem will plummet. I'm also worried that my two front teeth will become weak because of the drilling and fillings because cavities have formed on both sides in between those two teeth due to a bad habit of drinking soda as a teenager (which, mostly, has passed). Ugh. One of my front teeth is thinner than the other (it's been that way for as long as I can remember) and I'm not sure if it's because of enamel loss or simply if that was how my teeth were made. Either way, the idea of having that tooth drilled at just leaves me with horrible images of my tooth falling apart. If anyone has anything that could possibly help my anxiety, please do! It's driving me nuts and making me insecure to smile, laugh or even eat. The waiting game with my dentist certainly isn't helping either. :cry:

and lastly, after having them filled, is there anything besides flossing and brushing regularly that I can do to stop decay from getting underneath or around my fillings? I really don't want to go through this again.

I’m going to try to answer as much as I can from my own experience.

Decay happens sloooooowly so waiting even a few months should be totally ok. Just keep brushing and flossing and stay away from sugary foods (all stuff we should all do anyway).

I have most of my fillings between my teeth and they all look and feel like my teeth did prior to the fillings. What I’ve heard is that some people are more prone to decay between teeth and others are more prone to decay on the biting surfaces.

I know it seems like a filling must mean taking away so much natural tooth, but it really involves very little. If the dentist didn’t believe he could safely fill the thinner tooth s/he would suggest an alternative,

I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to get too far ahead of yourself with all of this. Hang in there!
Thank you for replying! I really appreciate it.

The thing is, this is my new dentist. My previous dentist is the one who took the x-rays and examined them and although these same x-rays have been successfully sent to my new dentist and my first appointment for fillings is scheduled, I have a feeling he has not looked at these x-rays himself yet. I feel as if he is unaware that one of my front teeth is thinner than the other and even unaware of the location of the cavities themselves. Like I've said, I have cavities on BOTH sides of BOTH front teeth, which makes me feel the fillings themselves will weaken my teeth no matter how little tooth is drilled away, simply because the drilling will have happened in both directions on the same tooth. The thought of my other fillings isn't bothering me as much as these ones are, probably because they're slightly on and in between my front teeth! And on top of it all, I'm paranoid my fears won't be confirmed until I arrive for my appointment that day!

I believe I am developing some form of OCD or anxiety solely based on my teeth! I am considering seeing a therapist but for now this forum is the only thing I have to get me through the terrible waiting process that I've begun by deciding to proceed with dental work in hopes of a healthy mouth. I feel like a healthy mouth is impossible for me, especially with my crowned molar!

I was also wondering if it was possible with improved oral hygiene if I could never have another cavity again after these fillings??? Or at least cavities that are less in number or severity?
If you feel like you need more information about the treatment plan you could call or email the practice to ask why fillings were recommended and if there were other options to consider. Doubtful they would have recommended fillings if they thought the structure of the tooth was in jeopardy.

With better hygiene and habits you can reduce the number and severity of cavities in the future. First time I went to the dentist six years ago after a long break I had four cavities and needed a crown. I've had none since then and have been taking better care of my teeth. There are some additional tips on this page if you haven't seen it yet.

I was also wondering if it was possible with improved oral hygiene if I could never have another cavity again after these fillings??? Or at least cavities that are less in number or severity?

Oral hygiene has a very, very limited impact on decay rates, it's 99% down to diet.
Thank you all for replying. I am aware that diet plays the biggest role in causing tooth decay.

Could someone give me any tips or suggestions on the best toothpastes/mouthwashes and foods to help prevent decay?

Also are there any fluoride products I could purchase or do I need to go through my dentist? My paranoia is killing me. I’ve been obsessing over my teeth and I feel like they’ll all fall out before 30 if I don’t do everything right. I’m good on not eating sugars but carbohydrates is the challenging part and it freaks me out.
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