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Getting my wisdom teeth pulled in four weeks... a few questions

  • Thread starter Thread starter OaklandAsGirl
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I'm going to schedule my return appointment for sometime early next week, but I was wondering if you guys had any answers to these questions:

My lower left extraction site is quite large and the only one still giving me any trouble. (It's almost a week on now.) It's not in any inordinate amount of pain; it's just a bit stiff and uncomfortable, so I know it's not dry socket or anything. The tooth is a smidge loose and the gums aren't even quite all the way around it on top. Again, I know that's somewhat common (my dad and boyfriend both had that happen), but how long does it generally take for the tooth to be more firm and for the gums to heal/tighten up to the point that they at least hold the tooth fairly normally again? If you have a larger extraction site, how much longer does it take than a smaller one to heal up? How long would you think the smaller one would take? How long does irrigation typically go on for? The hole on the right is noticeably smaller after only a week, so I'm thinking that one will be a quick healer; as for the large one, what would you think? I know the overall healing takes longer than the amount of time we really notice that things aren't quite right, but how long until I really don't have to worry about post op stuff? And for the fat kid that I am, how long does it generally take to be able to eat fairly normally and then to eat crunchy stuff?

I know these will all totally be ballpark ideas, but any help would be appreciated. That second molar and the sore gums on the left make it not so fun eating. I've kind of been eating big spoonfuls of peanut butter a lot because at least that has protein. And I've been taking it with milk, a good complimentary protein. And I'm a vegetarian so tofu is great, but it is SUCH A PAIN trying to eat. It doesn't hurt. I just feel like chewing is ridiculous. :P I know the bite probably won't go back to normal since the wisdom tooth pushed that tooth up a little bit, and it will be an adjustment, but man my inner fat kid is so devastated right now!
Sorry no answers her, I know someone that was eating normally the day after an extraction, but that was only after having one tooth out. Everyone is different, I think it was about a month before I felt really comfortable and confident about eating normal but I am so soft and wimpy.

As for the loose gum thing I had a tooth out in Sept and it was about 6 weeks before it stopped getting a bit of pain, not enough for painkillers, or really bad, just a bit achey, and a bit longer for the gum to feel really tight again.

I hope your dental appointment goes well tomorrow. It is nice to read that after being so worried, things have gone really well for you so far.

Well done so far [smiley=jumping.gif][smiley=jumping.gif][smiley=jumping.gif]