• Dental Phobia Support

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I made an appointment, and I need help.

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About 2 hours. Just kill me and save me from the torture that lies ahead. I’ve been reading the fainting articles on here because it happens to me quite often. I know the signs: lightheaded, sweating, feel nauseous, and if i don’t stop it, tunnel vision. ? It seems like fainting is common in dental offices, but it’s such a miserable experience. I’m such I’m panicking over nothing and it’ll be fine, but it’s hard to not think about everything that could go wrong. Just trying to breathe now. It’s only 3 miles away, so at least I don’t have to drive forever to my death.
Keep breathing. If you feel faint, ask to have the chair all the way back and bring your knees up. I know this position can feel super vulnerable, but it does help to prevent fainting by getting blood back to the brain.

Thinking of you this morning :grouphug: You have come along way and are strong even if you don't feel like it, strong enough to face your fears and make this appt , strong enough to write on here a and get support , you have made it this far.. I really hope the dentist and team are as strong of people as you are , and as kind.. I am hoping all goes well today.

I know my dentist would pick up on ques before I got the chance to tell him anything, I'd be bracing or even the slightest face, he'd be lke , "Kelly, whats going on? are you ok? everything ok? and would stop to make sure I was good.. He really respected my stopsigns as well always..

Have you had the "stopsign" conversation with your dr.? typically most ask you to raise your hand if you want to stop . maybe you can tell them it is really really important that they honor that stopsign because you are really anxious and are concerned you won't be listened to when you get scared and want to be sure of it.. something like this. Well, maybe you are already there, but.. please let us know how it goes!!
Thisisme,Have you had the "stopsign" conversation with your dr.? typically most ask you to raise your hand if you want to stop . maybe you can tell them it is really really important that they honor that stopsign because you are really anxious and are concerned you won't be listened to when you get scared and want to be sure of it.. something like this. Well, maybe you are already there, but.. please let us know how it goes!!

I have not. This will be the first meeting, which is kind of stupid to go in and fix a problem right away, but I wouldn’t have been able to make an appt. and wait two weeks. I’d never sleep. So, I asked if I could get it sooner to treat this problem and then, scheduled a cleaning a future exam later this month. Fixing the problem would be breaking the ice, so I would be ready in a few weeks for a full appt. I will try to say as many words as I can. I have a tendency to shut down and become very submissive. I hope I don’t feel like that in there. Leaving in 10 minutes. Dread and doom is filling my world. I thought I would be crying more, but crying is not going to do anything at this point.

I did my final brush. You know, the one where you brush like 5 minutes? I remember doing those as a kid... filled with this same dread. I hope this time is different. I hope this time I feel empowered... and hopeful... and safe.

On the bright side, this should all be over in an hour or so. Well, by over, I mean just beginning but you know what I mean.
Thinking you may be close to done at this point. Really, really hoping it went well!!8 had to giggle about the ‘final brush’ b/c this is totally me. lol!!
Well, I did it.

And it was actually pretty great. I knew right away I would like the dentist. He was at the front when they wanted to take a picture (instead of asking for ID everytime). He said, “we want to take the picture, so we can see who’s yelling at us when they call.”

Okay, he can joke.

Absolutely zero judgment. Sure, a little, “well, let’s schedule that cleaning,” but besides that, it was not like ‘oh god, look at that horror in your mouth.’

X-rays consisted of a very uncomfortable clip thing in your mouth. Not the biggest fan but tolerable. I only went to get 1 tooth looked at, so they x-rayed that a few times.

Dentist comes in. This might be the most personable (and can I say cute?) dentist I’ve ever met. He looks at the pictures and says it is a pretty deep filling, which is why it cracked. He’s hopeful that it won’t need a root canal, at least not for awhile anyway. I ask about a crown, and he said, that he honestly thought that a filling would work but keep an eye on it. I ask about how I can stop something if I get uncomfortable, he says just raise your right hand, and he’ll stop. Okay.

Soooooo, I’ve never had novacine but I became pretty used to shots going for bloodwork every month for my illness. It did pinch. I didn’t really like the flavor of the gel, but it was fine. I’m still pretty numb now. Then, the work started, and it was dare I say, like a walk in the park?

I thought for sure they were still digging out my temp filling, but then, they were done.

I didn’t use my weighted blanket but asked if I could listen to my headphones. He did recommend I keep the volume to a point where I could hear him, and that was okay.

My next appt. for a cleaning and full exam is Aug. 27. I’m worried to know what else they might find (I do have several other teeth sensitive to cold), but I’m a little relieved that it wasn’t horrible.

It was, in fact, actually pretty great.

So, yeah, months of stuffing a temporary filling in my mouth for 15 minutes of work.

Side note: He did not use that big scary light and instead used one on his head. Also, looking at people getting work done in dental chairs seems to be a lot worse that being in one.

I think I found my place you guys. Not to say I won’t be freaking out at the end of August, but I do honestly believe I can do this now.

I love you all. ???
YAY!!! I was so really hoping that’s how it would go!! I’m so, so, so glad and happy that you’ve found a good one! It also sounds like you were able to ask some questions and get what you needed.

It’s totally normal that you may still be anxious the next time you go, but you’ll know you can do it. I get anxious even after 11+ years going to the same great dentist. The anxiety is still there, but much more manageable.

Congrats!!! I’m so happy for you that you are well on your way to getting your oral health back in order.
Also, try to do something nice for yourself today/tonight so that your brain starts to associate going to the dentist with a positive reward. Also, you definitely deserve it :-)
Also, try to do something nice for yourself today/tonight so that your brain starts to associate going to the dentist with a positive reward. Also, you definitely deserve it :)

It still feels weird, so I’m hoping it’s the numbing. Off to work now but I’m definitely going to by myself something on Amazon that I don’t need tonight! ?
:wow::perfect::thumbsup!: So happy for you this is amazing! Sounds like a great dentist you got there! This is excellent news.. great job on your end ! and glad to hear you're even set for your next appt!!
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I forgot to mention a few things:

He walked in and said “hello, Bridget” (which is not my name). I didn’t correct him but when saw my name on the X-Ray, he’s like oh, (real name). Hi. Where did I get Bridget from?” And I said, I can be Bridget. Bridget can be in this chair for me. We laughed it off.

Also, there was no spit bowl. I know. They just suck the spit out of your mouth. Glorious.

I’m still kinda in shock that I did it. I didn’t cry. I maintained my composure. I think having to face my health crisis a few years ago and then, sitting at appointments with my friend was good conditioning. I didn’t even know it. Part of me wishes I could stay there all day and he could just treat all my teeth. Haha. But no, now I have work.

I hope the next experience is just as good. They had over 100 5 star comments. I think 2 4 stars. Everything I read was spot on. I’m happy I found this place. I’ll be nervous in a few weeks but for now, I’m like ???

I can’t say thank you enough. You guys all rock and I’m proud of everyone on this forum whether or not you’ve worked up the courage to go in yet. Stay awesome.
He sounds really nice !! you can always put in a review on our dental recommendation page for your area whenever you feel like it :)
So happy for you!!!!! You did great! :hug5:
My numbing is almost done. The bottom lip is still a little numb but the cheek is better. I can feel the tooth with my tongue and it’s amazing. No hole. No temporary filling. I can’t even feel the crack on the side with the filling. He showed me a picture of it. Not sure I wanted to see it but damn technology. I saw it and said I was sorry, haha. It was a white tooth with a huge brown spot in the middle. I can’t believe there are people who do this for a living. I could never. Hopefully I am able to eat on it but right now, I am too afraid.
Bravo ?

Just like the creature in the Wizard of Oz, here is your award for courage: ?

Well done.

And yes, dental professionals can be all sorts of fine, let me tell you.
The more I reflect on the appt. I’ve realized that I didn’t even see him while he was working. Like okay, I had my eyes closed, but he was behind my chair. He never approached me with a mask on or even around his neck. Maybe it was an off day but I hope not. I also didn’t see any tools at all. The tray that they used to leave out wasn’t there. Maybe it was but it wasn’t obvious. These are two really big triggers.

And, now, I’m done reflecting. I need no more dental talk until the night before my appt. Sorry if I go MIA from the forum for a bit. I’m on dental overload.

Thank you all again. It took me a long time but it wouldn’t have been possible without you guys.

Side note: I was brave enough to take a picture of it to see what it looks like now. He used tooth color filling. The website said they did but it’s wonderful! Maybe all the places do that now, but it makes me happy.
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". I’ve realized that I didn’t even see him while he was working. Like okay, I had my eyes closed, but he was behind my chair. He never approached me with a mask on or even around his neck. Maybe it was an off day but I hope not. I also didn’t see any tools at all. The tray that they used to leave out wasn’t there. Maybe it was but it wasn’t obvious. These are two really big triggers. "

These are all so huge.. you have found yourself a true anxious friendly dentist!!
I was going to stay away, but I have to say I am in love with my new filling. I keep feeling it to make sure it’s still there. I would lose the temp filling left and right and think it was my tooth breaking apart. Basically, eating was always terrifying. I have not chewed on that side in like six months and have chewed carefully for another 7 years. And what? It’s just fixed now?! WHAT?! ?

I stepped into a cold pool earlier and used to feel a slight pain in that tooth. I just figure nerves are weird like that and used to put my tongue there to help. Anywho, today? Cold water and nothing. NOTHING. Guys, NOTHING. Are dentists gods?! I lost 7 years of my life (the first 9 years before that I didn’t go don’t count because I didn’t have any problems and could care less about going, haha). I had seven years of misery for 15 minutes. I feel crazy now. I’m writing this because I’ll be freaking out in a few weeks and need to remind myself of the dental miracle. Can he do this to other teeth that bother me? Will I never have to use temporary filling again?!

If you are a lurker and trying to find courage to go, I hope my story (so far) helps you. It is so hard making an appt. It took me seven years after I first thought about, so I’m not exactly a shining example. You can do it when you’re ready. And you’ll know when you’re ready, even if it takes seven years of thinking about it. Awhile ago, I read something on here that said “once you make up your mind to go, it can be weeks, months, years, or decades.” That’s the truest thing I’ve ever read.

I love this site. You guys are the only people who understand what I’m going through and also the only people I have told about my appt. I’ve said it before but I really do love you all. Thank you for being here for me.
Your’s is truly an amazing success story! I’m so very happy for you that you were able to accomplish what once felt impossible!! This journey we are all on is not always linear and will will stumble along the way. The important thing is that you will also be able it get up and continue to move forward. Enjoy the next few weeks and bask in the glow of all that you have accomplished :-)

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