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Is jaw pain a week after RCT normal?

  • Thread starter Thread starter ReginaPhalange
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Hey Regina, I just had my guard/splint impressions done earlier and thought I'd let you know, if you decide to go down that route, that it was done really quickly. I won't lie and say it was pleasant (it's flavourless goo afterall) but apart from difficultly in finding an impression tray the right size it was super simple, the stuff sets in about 25 seconds and wasn't as liquidy as I'd been worrying about, also the sensation of it being removed had been greatly exaggerated to me (not by the dental team), it certainly doesn't feel like a lot of pulling!

My dentist did hold it in place the entire duration and pushed my jaw down with it though so it's rather aching now, forewarned is forearmed though right ?

Anyway, I really hope your list of tips does the trick for you, let us know if anything on there works wonders ?
This sounds like a really great appt with alot of positives though. having goo in the mouth isn't really the best thing in the world. I pretty much hate impressions myself, however through good experience with last dentist I can now tolerate it too :).. Great testimony here RJayne!! Regina I hope your's go well if youare getting, I've been out of it here a few days so I gotta read on and catch up .
How are you feeling now?
It seems to be slowly improving. I just hope it's better enough by Tuesday that he doesn't want to keep the treatment paused. My next appointment after that is 2 weeks later, so surely it'll be well enough by then to do the other side's RCT.

Thanks for asking ☺️
I went back this afternoon. This appointment and another in 2 weeks was originally for treatment, but after the jaw pain, they paused it and just made today's a check up to see if it had improved. I was in there for about 2 minutes.

As I told him, it has definitely improved, although not 100%, so he said we'll keep the appointment for 2 weeks time and go ahead. If it's not better I've to let them know before that. But I'm thinking that even if it isn't better, I want to go ahead anyway. Although keeping my mouth open for ages for two more RCT probably wouldn't be good for my jaw. But I don't want to delay treatment for too long. And I don't want broken teeth on holiday! But maybe it will be wise to wait. I'll keep following the tips and see what happens anyway.

I've emailed them asking if I can make more appointment(s) now, rather than wait till I'm next there. Maybe by the end of 2020 I'll be on 6 month check ups!

He didn't say anything more about a splint so hopefully I won't need one.
I am glad it is getting better. Hopefully it will continue to improve. Mine got way worse after having my tooth extracted. I am back to not being able to move my lower jaw much again. It is slowly improving again, but I am so tired of all this. I know you have to be as well.
I am glad it is getting better. Hopefully it will continue to improve. Mine got way worse after having my tooth extracted. I am back to not being able to move my lower jaw much again. It is slowly improving again, but I am so tired of all this. I know you have to be as well.
Sorry to hear that. I'm glad it's getting a bit better too, but no wonder you're tired of it. I really hope things start looking up for you soon.
It must be from muscle strain. I wish I would have known that. I did extract 2 molars without knowing that because root canal teeth were not settling. The endodontist didn’t want to take a risk as it was done previously by a bad dentist. So when the pain was not going down and I suggested extraction he immediately agreed.
Wish he would have said it might be muscle thing. After extraction pain was not going down then I realized, nothing was wrong with teeth but it was TMJ due to muscle strain and 24 shots due to 3 root canal and crown.
It must be from muscle strain. I wish I would have known that. I did extract 2 molars without knowing that because root canal teeth were not settling. The endodontist didn’t want to take a risk as it was done previously by a bad dentist. So when the pain was not going down and I suggested extraction he immediately agreed.
Wish he would have said it might be muscle thing. After extraction pain was not going down then I realized, nothing was wrong with teeth but it was TMJ due to muscle strain and 24 shots due to 3 root canal and crown.

It is always so hard to know if you made the right decision when you are in the moment, and in pain. I have been lucky that my endodontist is very reluctant to pull teeth.
It is always so hard to know if you made the right decision when you are in the moment, and in pain. I have been lucky that my endodontist is very reluctant to pull teeth.
Yes. During u just can’t think straight. When we decided to extract I was so happy. Because I thought it will just end all this ordeal. Hubby was so against it but I got mad on him. After extraction I realized what a big mistake I did by losing my strong teeth. I will never get them back.
One thing I learned, if the dentist in the beginning has done a bad job, other dr try to take as less risk as possible because they don’t want to get sued. The endodontist was actually a great but after 2 weeks I was still in a pain , did not suggest to wait out but said ok to extraction as soon as I asked. Because he didn’t want to take risk .
During pain I meant to write.
Yes. During u just can’t think straight. When we decided to extract I was so happy. Because I thought it will just end all this ordeal. Hubby was so against it but I got mad on him. After extraction I realized what a big mistake I did by losing my strong teeth. I will never get them back.
One thing I learned, if the dentist in the beginning has done a bad job, other dr try to take as less risk as possible because they don’t want to get sued. The endodontist was actually a great but after 2 weeks I was still in a pain , did not suggest to wait out but said ok to extraction as soon as I asked. Because he didn’t want to take risk .

My endodontist seems to be willing to take risks, but I also have to sign papers saying I agree and understand. She has worked hard to try to save my teeth, and even is super hesitant to extract the front one. She told me she would even redo the apicoectomy for free if I wanted but I do not want to go through that again!
I think that if I had even one successful root canal, I would try to save my teeth, but it seems extraction is my only option.
@drhirst I am new here and I am grateful I found this forum. This is an old thread but I didn't want to start with basically the same question via a new thread. I wish my endodontist would educate me more about what she is doing and potential for problems such as lower jaw pain. After a week post root canal procedure, lower jaw pain was still there so I called the office. The receptionist answered my question and said to take ibuprofen every 6 hours. I don't know how long to take it or how frequently before I should see improvement. I think previously in this thread, you commented that the jaw pain will resolve on it's own. The receptionist told me if ibuprofen (for a vague period of time) doesn't help, that the dentist would prescribe steroids. I was prediabetic last time I was checked, and I don't want to take those if not 100% necessary. Hopefully you are still on this forum or maybe other patients or dentist here have some experience since it has been over six years. Thank you.