Hey guys, HM here, sorry for the hiatus, the truth is I've been doing so well recently I haven't really been feeling like posting!
I had my second wizzie out at 10ish this morning and honestly? It was such a non-event I don't even know what to say. I was 110% calm about it (the only things that worried me a little was the parking situation in the hospital car park and, when they injected the sedation into me, whether I would be aware of the procedure or if I would forget it all like last time). Here's a step by step thing about what happened:
1. Go to hospital
2. Sign in and wait for a bit
3. Get called into a room with a dental chair
4. Sign consent forms and drink drink of ibuprofen (tastes like oranges)
5. Have cannula put in (sharp scratch and mildly uncomfortable but not too bad)
5. Have sedation injected in (felt weird in the head and kind of spaced out)
6. Nothing. Literally remember nothing about the procedure.
7. Come to in recovery room, totally in control of what I was saying (apparently I just said to my bro 'alright?' and 'yeah fine')
8. Walk a few steps to ascertain whether you're ready to go home. I was, but a bit off balance.
9. Go home and buy icecream
10. Eat icrecream.
11. Watch a film
12. Fall asleep (or try to in this heatwave!)
And that's it. The whole thing was such a non-event, I wasn't nervous the night before, nor the day of the procedure, even sitting in the chair with the cannula in waiting for the sedation my mind was on other things. It was almost scary how little fear I had.
I can't believe that less than a year ago I was suicidal over this. I mean, I understand it, it is a hugely stressful and traumatic thing for some people, I guess what I'm trying to say is I can't believe how far I've come. I guess the only way to get over this dental phobia was just to DO IT and GET IT DONE so next time I can say 'well, I've done it before, I can do it again.'
You can all DO IT and GET IT DONE, I believe in you! Sedation is a piece of cake, man.
Peace my Gs,