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Dental Extraction Appt. Coming Up

  • Thread starter Thread starter Slagdor
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Okay, I made it! :)

It took about 90 minutes. I had 3 wisdom teeth removed and one broken molar.

The top two wisdom teeth came out easily. No problem! The last wisdom tooth and broken molar put up a fight. There was a lot of crunching sensations, drilling, pulling and pushing. No pain though. This might bother some people, but to me, it was fine. It was awkward, but I also thought it was kind of funny because the whole process feels archaic to me -- pulling teeth out in pieces with metal tools.

I did have the nitrous oxide which helped a lot. I just felt floaty but fully conscious. I was able to easily communicate with the dentist. He had two assistants with him which were very friendly. They asked me often if I was okay.

The ONLY physical discomfort was having my jaw open so long. It gets a little sore after a while.

I did feel very anxious when I first sat down. The nitrous quickly helped though, and the dentist was very clear that if I wanted more, I can ask for more. Apparently, I was at 60%, which was nearly to the max of what they offer -- 70%. I'm not sure what that means, but that's what the dentist told me.

I'm glad it's over with. I was prescribed a steroid, antibiotics, and a pain killer. I'm back home with gauze. How long should I expect to bleed? When can I eat something? I haven't eaten at all yet today, and I'm hungry.
Okay, I made it! :)

It took about 90 minutes. I had 3 wisdom teeth removed and one broken molar.

The top two wisdom teeth came out easily. No problem! The last wisdom tooth and broken molar put up a fight. There was a lot of crunching sensations, drilling, pulling and pushing. No pain though. This might bother some people, but to me, it was fine. It was awkward, but I also thought it was kind of funny because the whole process feels archaic to me -- pulling teeth out in pieces with metal tools.

I did have the nitrous oxide which helped a lot. I just felt floaty but fully conscious. I was able to easily communicate with the dentist. He had two assistants with him which were very friendly. They asked me often if I was okay.

The ONLY physical discomfort was having my jaw open so long. It gets a little sore after a while.

I did feel very anxious when I first sat down. The nitrous quickly helped though, and the dentist was very clear that if I wanted more, I can ask for more. Apparently, I was at 60%, which was nearly to the max of what they offer -- 70%. I'm not sure what that means, but that's what the dentist told me.

I'm glad it's over with. I was prescribed a steroid, antibiotics, and a pain killer. I'm back home with gauze. How long should I expect to bleed? When can I eat something? I haven't eaten at all yet today, and I'm hungry.

That's fantastic news-well done for getting through all that!! I'm so glad it wasn't too difficult for you and that the nitrous worked so well! You must feel so relieved now it's all over with. Now you just need to work on recovering, which is usually pretty straightforward thankfully.
Did your dentist give you an aftercare sheet of instructions? I can only tell you my experience with extractions. I ate a couple of hours afterwards, I changed the gauze every 15 mins until the bleeding stopped which took about an hour or so, and remembered not to use a straw or spit out for 24 hours. Also, I didn't rinse with saltwater for 24 hours either.
There is lots of info here about extractions both from the dentists and from patients who've written in the forums about their experiences, so maybe put your feet up and rest for a while and read a little.
And thanks for letting us all know how it went.
When I switch gauze, the pain really starts in. I can't really seem to eat anything.
So, the adventure continues.

I was getting ready to eat mashed potatoes, and I sneezed pretty hard. I felt a POP inside my mouth where the teeth were extracted. Now there's a pea-sized object hanging by a thread in the back of my mouth above the extraction site (socket?). I have no idea what it is. I have texted my dentist, but I am waiting to hear back.

Oh dentistry...
So, the adventure continues.

I was getting ready to eat mashed potatoes, and I sneezed pretty hard. I felt a POP inside my mouth where the teeth were extracted. Now there's a pea-sized object hanging by a thread in the back of my mouth above the extraction site (socket?). I have no idea what it is. I have texted my dentist, but I am waiting to hear back.

Oh dentistry...
How are you doing now?
So, the adventure continues.

I was getting ready to eat mashed potatoes, and I sneezed pretty hard. I felt a POP inside my mouth where the teeth were extracted. Now there's a pea-sized object hanging by a thread in the back of my mouth above the extraction site (socket?). I have no idea what it is. I have texted my dentist, but I am waiting to hear back.

Oh dentistry...

Did you hear back from the dentist?
I texted a photo of my mouth to the dentist, and he told me that I tore the stitches. No where in my post-op paperwork does it say to avoid sneezing. Ha! :p:p He told me it will be fine. Still, I feel this flap (pea-size) gum tissue or ball near the extraction point. I don't know what it is.

Regardless, the office called me this morning and said they forgot to give me my antibiotic rinse? I'm not sure what that is, but I decided to drop by there today to pickup the rinse and have the dentist take a look. As long as everything looks good, I'll be relieved.

I'll report back when I'm done. I'm probably overdoing all of this, but it's a bit cathartic for me to write it all out and have others to talk to about it, even if I am bordering on seeming neurotic.
I texted a photo of my mouth to the dentist, and he told me that I tore the stitches. No where in my post-op paperwork does it say to avoid sneezing. Ha! :p:p He told me it will be fine. Still, I feel this flap (pea-size) gum tissue or ball near the extraction point. I don't know what it is.

Regardless, the office called me this morning and said they forgot to give me my antibiotic rinse? I'm not sure what that is, but I decided to drop by there today to pickup the rinse and have the dentist take a look. As long as everything looks good, I'll be relieved.

Oh sneezing is definitely a no no lol! Good idea to let the dentist have a look, make sure everything is as it should be, good luck! ?
I went in today and saw a THIRD dentist briefly. They took pictures and examined my mouth. As I suspected: it's a piece of gum tissue with some sutures, but they are just going to "leave it alone". I don't understand that exactly, but I have a follow-up appointment on the 13th. I guess I'll report back after that.

All in all, the extractions were pretty easy. I'm sore today, esp. the area of the last wisdom tooth they had difficulty with, but I slept fine. I woke up with some blood on my face, but that's it. I haven't felt the need to take the pain killer they gave me. I've taken 4 Tylenol since my appointment, but that's it. My face is a little swollen on one side.
I went in today and saw a THIRD dentist briefly. They took pictures and examined my mouth. As I suspected: it's a piece of gum tissue with some sutures, but they are just going to "leave it alone". I don't understand that exactly, but I have a follow-up appointment on the 13th. I guess I'll report back after that.

All in all, the extractions were pretty easy. I'm sore today, esp. the area of the last wisdom tooth they had difficulty with, but I slept fine. I woke up with some blood on my face, but that's it. I haven't felt the need to take the pain killer they gave me. I've taken 4 Tylenol since my appointment, but that's it. My face is a little swollen on one side.

That's great! Everything is going well and you can just focus on healing now. Have a good weekend!?
I am so glad you made it through and it is behind you now! I use nitrous for every procedure that I can, and it helps so much!
Your price quote is pretty similar to what prices are here. They charge higher here for surgical extractions rather than straight forward extractions. When I had a molar extracted at the dentist, it was $675 for the extraction and the local anesthesia, along with x rays. At the surgeon it was $1000 for an extraction and nitrous oxide. That included x rays and any follow up care.
I am so glad you made it through and it is behind you now! I use nitrous for every procedure that I can, and it helps so much!
Your price quote is pretty similar to what prices are here. They charge higher here for surgical extractions rather than straight forward extractions. When I had a molar extracted at the dentist, it was $675 for the extraction and the local anesthesia, along with x rays. At the surgeon it was $1000 for an extraction and nitrous oxide. That included x rays and any follow up care.

Those prices are scandalous, no wonder so many people struggle to pay for their dental treatment in the U.S.....I've never paid anywhere near that figure, even in Canada I only paid $200 for an extraction, and he never charged me a cent for follow up appointments. Such a money spinner, I'm in the wrong job! Seriously though, it's really tough for people to come up with that kind of money if they don't have excellent insurance, seems unfair..
I'm feeling much better today -- almost 48 hours after my extractions. I even chewed a little on dinner last night, but I was careful and mindful about it. I have slept fine each night, despite taking Prednisone (steroid) which can keep some people up all night.

My jaw is a bit sore on one side, but the pain has been very easy to deal with. I have only taken 4 500mg Tylenol since my appointment, but nothing yesterday. I did not even open the bottle of Percocet the dentist prescribed me. I won't need it, and my mother is allergic to it; I'm unsure if I am.

I did sign up for dental insurance before my appointment -- it's $31/month. The dental office is billing the insurance. I'm still not even sure what I owe yet, and I haven't paid anything except for my initial visit. I will let you all know how much I saved once I'm billed for whatever the insurance doesn't cover. I am self-employed, so I have to make very careful financial decisions about everything, esp. health coverage.

If you live on the southern border, I have family friends that commonly go to Mexico to see dentists and doctors for a small fraction of the cost here in the U.S. It might be something to consider. I've heard the clinics are very good there, and they are extremely cheap. Canada is strange to me because I have relatives there, and everything seems like a fortune there with the exchange rate, but I don't know how much dental care really is. It sounds a lot cheaper though.
I'm feeling much better today -- almost 48 hours after my extractions. I even chewed a little on dinner last night, but I was careful and mindful about it. I have slept fine each night, despite taking Prednisone (steroid) which can keep some people up all night.

My jaw is a bit sore on one side, but the pain has been very easy to deal with. I have only taken 4 500mg Tylenol since my appointment, but nothing yesterday. I did not even open the bottle of Percocet the dentist prescribed me. I won't need it, and my mother is allergic to it; I'm unsure if I am.

I did sign up for dental insurance before my appointment -- it's $31/month. The dental office is billing the insurance. I'm still not even sure what I owe yet, and I haven't paid anything except for my initial visit. I will let you all know how much I saved once I'm billed for whatever the insurance doesn't cover. I am self-employed, so I have to make very careful financial decisions about everything, esp. health coverage.

If you live on the southern border, I have family friends that commonly go to Mexico to see dentists and doctors for a small fraction of the cost here in the U.S. It might be something to consider. I've heard the clinics are very good there, and they are extremely cheap. Canada is strange to me because I have relatives there, and everything seems like a fortune there with the exchange rate, but I don't know how much dental care really is. It sounds a lot cheaper though.

Sounds like you are healing really well, that's fantastic! And if you aren't in unbearable pain, why take such strong pai killers? I wouldn't take them either.
Canada is expensive for so many things compared to the States, especially where we lived in Albeeta, but not dental for some reason. The exchange rate is all relative really, but yes-it's much cheaper in general. I did consider having my treatment done in Mexico but I really felt safer with my usual dentist you know? There do seem to be dentists there that really do a great job and I think it's a great option.