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dentist appt tomorrow and terrified!

  • Thread starter Thread starter kaylasmum
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Re: extraction tomorrow, very tempted to cancel!

Yes, but childbirth is something we women specialise in, isn't it, so we get through it, OK with pain, but we get through it because we have to because we know the men can't or wouldn't even if they could whereas going to the dentist is something open to both women and men and in the case of us ladies, I believe (ha ha, who am I trying to convince) we're not really that scared it's just that we have inbuilt into us that we should do the decent thing and show the men how weak we mere females are. Well that's our excuse ladies, what reason men can give for being scared, I've yet to think up.

Only joking one and all, it's good to make light of things sometimes.;D
Re: extraction tomorrow, very tempted to cancel!

You can do it!8-)[smiley=cheers.gif]

My opinion is to take all you can...the more drugged and relaxed I am the better it goes.[smiley=cloud9.gif]
Re: extraction tomorrow, very tempted to cancel!

:rofl::POh and no cancelling allowed under my reign!!! mwuhahahahahaha...

sorry if that was unessisary;) and if it is I will delete it
Re: extraction tomorrow, very tempted to cancel!

well only 2 and a half hours to go and i'm a nervous wreck. I did'nt take any diazepam last night as i thought i'd sleep fine, but i had a terrible night. I woke up coutless times and even dreamt about being at the dentist. I've also got a really sore throat, is that good enough reason to cancel;). I also have IBS brought on by stress and have had a bad attack this morning. I've just got to force myself to go but i feel so so scared.
Re: extraction tomorrow, very tempted to cancel!

I wouldn't go if you have a sore throat. I know my dentist wouldn't do any type of work on me if I was sick. Maybe you should call them prior to your appointment and let them know you're sick.
Re: extraction tomorrow, very tempted to cancel!

hi i am new
i am also having an extraction but it is next week [smiley=scared.gif]
i have to have a wisdom tooth out and i am scared to death!!! i am going to a new big posh dentists and its costing a fortune but i am in agony day and night what else can you do.
i have had other teeth out before and was really terrified, i even got numbed up and couldnt do it so i just walked out!!! lol only to go back the week later and have it pulled (v embarressing).[smiley=ashamed.gif]
Had my tooth out, what a relief!


I posted before about having my tooth extracted and how scared i was about having it done and was seriously thinking about cancelling. Well i took 4mg of diazepam which actually did relax me a little although i was still very nervous. The dentist was absolutely brilliant, he spoke to me first and said that if i wanted then we could start with something else rather than the extraction but i explained that i was going on holiday in June and although the tooth was'nt troubling me at the moment that i did'nt want to take any chances. So we decided it would be best to have it removed, anyway i'd pysched myself up for the extraction so just wanted it to be over with. I was given 4 injections which strangely i don't mind too much. My biggest fear is not being numbed up properly, anyway he checked to see if i was numb and i did'nt feel anything at all. In all the extraction took about 2/3 minutes but i did feel a slight pain on the outside of my tooth as he was pulling it, nothing major at all, on a scale of 1 to 10 i would say maybe a 2. But because i did have some sensation i was kind of panicking that the pain would get worse. I'm so glad its over although i still have a few things to be done.

Just wondering if anyone would know why i would still feel a little bit of pain and also when does the risk of dry socket pass? I'm too scared to eat anything but soup just incase food gets stuck in the socket.
Re: Had my tooth out, what a relief!

anyone know when the risk of dry socket passes?
Re: Had my tooth out, what a relief!

Not sure about the dry socket question, but just wanted to say, well done on getting through that appointment. So one tooth will not now be going on holiday in June. Are you taking any painkillers to try and rid yourself of the pain? As it was only the one tooth, it should ease up soon, but of course if you feel worried about anything, give the dentist a ring to let him know.
Re: Had my tooth out, what a relief!

just wanted to say good job! [smiley=jumping.gif] you must be so relieved that it's finally over and done! I havn't had any teeth extracted (yet, but am due to have at least 1 out) so I'm not too sure about the dry socket thing, maybe try posting a question in the dentistry questions answered forum and one of the dentist or other members will let you know.
anyways, great job, you should feel so proud of what you accomplished :D
Re: Had my tooth out, what a relief!

Hi...I believe that dentists have said before that if dry socket is going to occur, it would happen within 24-48 hours...72 hours at the most. Congrats on getting the tooth out[smiley=jumping.gif] I am sure the rest of your treatment with go quite well. Keep us posted
Re: Had my tooth out, what a relief!


In all the extraction took about 2/3 minutes but i did feel a slight pain on the outside of my tooth as he was pulling it, nothing major at all, on a scale of 1 to 10 i would say maybe a 2. ....
Just wondering if anyone would know why i would still feel a little bit of pain
Congratulations :sleepyjuice: and maybe query this one in the Dentistry Questions Section, I don't actually know the answer but wonder was the pain definitely in the tooth itself or could it have been an instrument scraping part of the inside of your mouth which wasn't numb maybe? Was there any infection present? Why not discuss it with your dentist should you need another extraction and he can give you an extra large dose of LA as sometimes that's all it takes. Still glad it was only a 2!:grouphug: