• Dental Phobia Support

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Need a sympathetic Liverpool NHS Dentist, UK

  • Thread starter Thread starter bluesuew
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Ladies and Gents,

I can thoroughly recommend Andy Healy to you. I met him on a course several years ago and noticed how outstanding he was at putting patients at ease. He is very skilled and genuinely cares.
I too was a little concerned about the picture of him. He was definitely much better looking when I last saw him. Mind you that was five years ago and you can eat a lot of pies in that time

Let us know how you get on Gilly.


Lincoln Hirst
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I just wanted to echo the sentiments on this thread regarding the Pall Mall clinic for anyone who is still a bit unsure...

After discovering this forum after a bad experience with a Liverpool NHS dentist, I read this post and decided to give Dr Healey's practice a try.

What a remarkable man he is. When I went for my first consultation, I was convinced I was a lost cause as I couldn't contemplate getting treatment without sedation/general anaesthetic, but he managed to somehow convince me to have ALL the treatment with just local!

Dr Healey is such a patient, understanding, friendly and reassuring dentist and I'm so glad that my faith has been somewhat restored. I've even managed to have a pretty large filling under his care and I didn't feel a thing, I promise you! Things can only get better from here, and I'm certain that with his help I will get the smile I want :)
i would also like to recommend dr andrew healey.he has restored my faith in dentists.
in my 64 years i have met quite a few dentists and been given bad advise about my dental treatment.dr.healey is now sorting out my dental problems.[smiley=jumping.gif]
Hi Everyone,

! I was so terrified I decided not to bother going back to the dentist after so many bad experiences and a fear I still cant come to terms with which has seen me running up the road with the dentist bib still round my neck !!
My teeth were crying out for help my front tooth was badly decayed and I no longer smiled for pics unless my hand was over my mouth, In conversations I looked like a stroke victim as I tried to hide my ugly teeth I felt dirty and ugly I know it sounds extreme but thats how I felt. I came on this Forum and got the name Andrew Heally and decided after many months to give him a call I went to see him for a free consultation and was pleasantly surprised that my teeth were not as far gone as I thought he chatted to me and then I had a check up and he gave me an estimate for the work I needed on my teeth. I thought I would lose at least three teeth but no he said he could fix them. The whole experience of going for the consultation was quite calm and relaxing and no pressure to return or have anything done . I felt as if I was in the driving seat and I went home and thought about it - cut a long story short cos Im running out to work now I went ahead and had my teeth filled etc wide awake,no pain ,no panic and I feel so good about it I would go back tomorrow. I did have to pay and I havent got a lot of money but you pay for your hair ,your nails and other beauty treatments so why not your teeth ?

Got to go

speak soon - Please go and see someone like Andrew it changes your life.xxx;D
Well as from reading this forum and being oh so jelous of all you brave guys for going ahead and facing treatment I have braved myself and made an appointment to go and see this wonderful sounding dr healy. You have all put faith in me and I am very looking forward to having my teeth restored (the excitement takes over the fear) never thought that could happen. Anyways my appointment is in july so i will get back to you guys to let you know how it all goes......wish me luck.x[smiley=drool.gif]
dr healy is the best dentist anyone could wish for!

very sympathetic and totally understands his clients. a 100% reccommendation.

he has made me a happy lady and given me a beautiful smile, at one time i was very affraid to have my teeth looked at, now i look forward to my appointments.

thankyou dr healy!
I have been watching this thread for over 2 years now while trying to build up some courage to do something about my awful teeth. I know most people on here will have thought their teeth were awful but mine litterally are some of the worst I have seen (believe me I have looked through plenty of pics on the internet)and I am only in my early 30s which makes me even more ashamed.

The fear I have is just so intense now I can't even write this without being reduced to a sobbing wreck, it's pathetic I know.

If I can get over this it will change my life, I have 3 beautifull children and I know it is impacting on thier lives too as I just want to stay at home all the time, I dread going out anywhere at all and I don't even like them having friends round incase i embarrass them, I am totally depressed with my situation.

The last time I built up the courage to go to a dentist was 3 years ago, at the appointment the dentist said he could do the work I needed but also gave me a lecture and told me I should be ashamed of myself for letting my teeth get in that state at such a young age...... I didn't go back.

Since then things have got even worse, with both my fear and my teeth, the ones I have left seem to be crumbling away bit by bit,,, however the comments people have made about Dr healy have really made me want to go and see him, I really think he could be the man to understand and help me... [smiley=jumping.gif] the only thing worrying me now is how I could afford the treatment. I'm pretty sure I couldn't get finance because I had to declare bankruptcy a few years ago,,( I was held up in a robbery at the shop I used to own and the slimy insurance co wouldn't pay out on a glitch, hence it left me in a load of mess financially) so although I could afford to pay the finance monthly I don't think I could get it.

Really hope I can go and see him soon though, I want to get some confidence back so I can get out there and start enjoying my life .. fingers crossed x x x x

P.s good luck to anyone who has the courage to try and overcome thier fear x

I've just rang Dr Heally's office and spoken (and cried!) to a really lovely lady called Nancy. She was so nice and made me feel a bit more at ease and convinced me to come in. I've finally made an initial appointment for July[smiley=jumping.gif].

I feel terrified, scared, embarrased, a little bit sick, but weirdly I actually can't wait for the appointment, even though all I've done is make a phone call I feel a strange sense of achievment,, no doubt I'll probably be a sobbing wreck again once I'm there.[smiley=hiding.gif]

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread to share your experiences, if I hadn't come accross it and read your entries, I don't think I would ever have been able to move forward, to know there are other people who feel even slightly the way I do has been a real help. [smiley=hugging.gif]

I will let you know how I get on and hopefully by Christmas I will actually be able to smile In a photograph, Fingers crossed x x x x x x x x x x
Mumto3, how did you get on with Dr Healy? Did you go and see him in July?

I live in Morecame, Lancashire now but use to live in Skelmersdale and am busy looking for a dentist and this Dr Healy sounds like he could the the one for me, although i am strictly a NHS patient, my fear and toothache is getting so bad at the moment i will have to consider privately - depending on cost also. x
@ MUMTO3, how did you get on? did you go to your appointment with dr healy?

I really would like to hear from you, I took me a number of years to pluck up the courage to go. in the end i did it and im sure you can too. :)
Well it is all a bit embarrassing but bear with me, I spent 16 years in HM Armed forces seeing action on more than one occasion. I have suffered full leg surgery under local in a casualty unit consisting of sewing up my muscle in my leg before stitching up the skin after but when it comes to dentists a basic checkup makes my toes curl and my blood run cold..... or it did until recently.
I went nearly 20 years without a checkup, yes you read that right 20 years. It was only due to pain I had to go. My local dentist was ok but even during the basic check I felt really uncomfortable. At the end of that It turned out the one in pain had to come out.... long story short I went for concious sedation at my local clinic for the extraction which I must say was brilliant.
Roll on a week later and the pain came back with avengance. Unfortunately I was at work in Liverpool so I decided to look up on here for an appropriate dentist. Dr Healeys name was mentioned a couple of times so forced myself to go.
First of all what a damn nice guy, he had a thorough examination of the extraction side and diagnosed a dry socket with a bit of infection. After talking it through he explained exactly what I needed and gave me options all the time making me feel in control.
Now I would never lie about how it felt, bearing in mind he was basically going to clean the holes in my jawbone!!!
First of all he sprayed a numbing spray on the areas he had to inject, left it for a couple of minutes and then started. I can honestly say I didnt feel the needle or the LA going in.
He then sent me to the waiting room for a few minutes while he dealt with another patient allowing the LA to take full effect.
When I went back in he started work and as I say I would never lie, once I felt a little niggle so he put some local liquid directly into the socket (no needle, just the syringe) and away we went again.
Before I knew it he had finished.
Full aftercare advice and even his mobile number if you need to speak to him at any stage, how many dentists do that?
Genuinely Painless dentistry and a really nice guy, I have to say if I need any more work I will be getting in my car and driving 360 miles to get him to do it. The trip, and cost would be worth every penny.
Well Done Andy Healey, you have converted another one.