• Dental Phobia Support

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Super, super petrified of dental scaling and cleaning I desperately need.

  • Thread starter Thread starter karichan
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Apparently, I was quite the handful for my husband after the surgery. He couldn't take me straight home because he was told not to leave me alone and he needed to retrieve my meds from a pharmacy (no idea why the dentist office can't call these prescriptions in the day before as it's highly inefficient and slightly irresponsible to both request an inebriated patient to be watched while saying they need specific meds for afterward as well).. I wouldn't be left in the car so I stumbled around the first store because apparently a person hopped up on meds is a more reliable source of information as to where to obtain other meds. I, then, cleverly browsed and insisted on buying my favourite flavor ice cream, but my husband neglected to get me a spoon. Second store did have spoons, but not just one spoon, but a whole box was purchased; my husband showed me the receipt and the box of 19 remaining still in the car. I was also stumbling around the second store, ( the first stores pharmacy didn't have the meds like I supposedly claimed they would, never trust a person hopped up on meds), to while awesome husband explained and told people that I was just drunk. I nearly broke 2 displays because I couldn't stand properly. I only remember licking the top of the ice cream with my tongue, but the proof was on my shirt when I woke up later.. honestly, I feel jipped because I don't remember what the ice cream tastes like, so by definition, I didn't actually eat it. I told him he was irresponsible with said ice cream purchase, and should've told me to wait until later, but he endearing brought up the statement, 'You can't just say no when your wife says she wants ice cream. At least you didn't open it right away, and waited until we actually paid for it at the register.'

But the real question is, did I really eat the ice cream or should I not feel guilty for saying that I deserve another one?
One thing I do worry about is my crown. It feels weird to have something affixed to my tooth. They said the root canal was successful, but when I rub my tongue along the top of the temp crown, I can feel it in my tooth. Permanent crown goes in on July 23rd where I'll repeat the same process of being put right out and under too. I don't remember much but a feeling of apprehension and my mama stroking my hair as they had me breathe the laughing gas. I hate it still but the meds actually did keep me from knocking the gas mask off my face more than once, which is a win to me,.. I always knock it off my face at least once when I get it because I feel weird, I was told it's a self preservation thing.. I also didn't feel as though the meds were forcing me to be calm even though I know they were.. There were no tears or panicking either.. I did feel kindof robotic as I walked back to the room and put my socks on though (the rooms were cool from the AC and my feet get cold fast so I wanted to be comfortable).. I'm hoping that I won't be as much of a nervous wreck before the next date..
Heyyy, very well done! :jump::jump::jump:
So glad all went well and you now feel more able to handle the next visits, that's great!
Not sure about the root canal, but it is not unusual for teeth to feel weird after the treatment. Keeping my fingers crossed for the tooth to settle soon.

Great job at getting through :) :).. I have had ALOT of crowns well all my teeth I have are crowns except my partial denture and missing spaces. I think the temps feel weirder than the real permanant crowns they are made of a different material not as good, as its temp to just get you by. I hope the permanant ones will feel better. not sure if that is part of the issue with not feeling right but just a thought :)
Thank y'all. I really appreciate it. The people around me only know a little about my phobia so it's nice to be able to talk to people clearly about what bothers me or how I feel. They always just say that everything is gonna be fine or I'll be okay but it's not the same because they can't really understand how scared I am or anxious about certain things.
Apparently, the dentist's want to give me more of the anxiety meds this time around because I kept waking up during the procedure, hence why none of my cavities got filled.. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this considering I didn't really 'wake up' until about 5p that day.. I'll also probably be a lot more numb when I wake up and have more meds to take afterwards.. also, how long does it take for recessed gums to come back?? It's super uncomfortable..
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I'm happy to report that my gums that were recessed have come back about 60-70% so far. Still a bit of gap, mostly just in the worst part. I'm super nervous about all my fillings and permanent crown being done on Tuesday as well.. while I know the meds they're giving me will help me to relax, I can't help but be super freaking petrified again. I'm finding myself nervous about the memory loss as well. I've already 2 panic attacks and currently can't sleep, and I know it's just gonna be worse tomorrow!
I'm happy to report that my gums that were recessed have come back about 60-70% so far. Still a bit of gap, mostly just in the worst part. I'm super nervous about all my fillings and permanent crown being done on Tuesday as well.. while I know the meds they're giving me will help me to relax, I can't help but be super freaking petrified again. I'm finding myself nervous about the memory loss as well. I've already 2 panic attacks and currently can't sleep, and I know it's just gonna be worse tomorrow!

Sorry to read you are having such a hard time, pre-appointment time really sucks and panic attacks are no fun. Hang on there, sending you well wishes, may the time pass as quickly as possible and may all go well tomorrow! Keep us posted. Really glad the gums came back!
I'm happy to report that my gums that were recessed have come back about 60-70% so far. Still a bit of gap, mostly just in the worst part. I'm super nervous about all my fillings and permanent crown being done on Tuesday as well.. while I know the meds they're giving me will help me to relax, I can't help but be super freaking petrified again. I'm finding myself nervous about the memory loss as well. I've already 2 panic attacks and currently can't sleep, and I know it's just gonna be worse tomorrow!
Your receding gums gre back? How? This is super exciting as I always read they don’t ? what have you done for them to come Back?
Your receding gums gre back? How? This is super exciting as I always read they don’t ? what have you done for them to come Back?
I brushed twice a day, lightly on the receded part, and swished warm water with baking soda every other day.. I was told that the amount they've come back so far will probably be all that comes back, if not, just a bit more.. they weren't super receeded to begin with..
I also had all 8 cavities done yesterday. After I woke up from the meds, I was awake for about 24 hours due to jaw and teeth pain. I had to contact the dentist office where they wrote me a liquid pain script. I got to sleep maybe 3 hours.. I also can't bite, so ive only eaten anything without light pain and my bite is super off.. I hate it, I've only been able to eat applesauce, pudding and oatmeal.. I have heartburn and water tastes super weird and I can't drink cold water because it hurts..
It's been nearly a week since the procedure and my cap is super off as well as all my other teeth are so I still can't bite down. I also have pain in the tooth that had the root canal when it gets touched at all.. it's not sized properly and is maybe 20% bigger than the rest of my teeth and is pushing the tooth in front and behind it slightly. I still haven't been able to chew food because every tooth has a sandpaper feeling and food keeps getting stuck and I think part of a filling has come out as I have a big gap for some reason that doesn't look like the rest of the fillings.. my husband can't take anymore time off of work and the dentist isn't open on Saturday so I'm at a loss as to what I should do to get this stuff fixed.. I can't keep taking painkillers because of this!
It's been nearly a week since the procedure and my cap is super off as well as all my other teeth are so I still can't bite down. I also have pain in the tooth that had the root canal when it gets touched at all.. it's not sized properly and is maybe 20% bigger than the rest of my teeth and is pushing the tooth in front and behind it slightly. I still haven't been able to chew food because every tooth has a sandpaper feeling and food keeps getting stuck and I think part of a filling has come out as I have a big gap for some reason that doesn't look like the rest of the fillings.. my husband can't take anymore time off of work and the dentist isn't open on Saturday so I'm at a loss as to what I should do to get this stuff fixed.. I can't keep taking painkillers because of this!

This sounds awful :( isn't there any chance for you to get to the dentist without your husband? Or maybe a tiny time slot before or after your husband's work? There must be a way for you to see a dentist somehow.. really hope there will be some way for you to sort this.
We're working on trying to get my husband off for a half day to take me up but not sure yet.. the secretary at the office isn't also being very forthcoming as to what they'll be doing or if there's anything they can't give me so I'm not scared out of my mind about grinding down a cap on an already painful tooth.. She even told me when I requested for the doctor to call me that the doctor doesn't call patients back, when I literally talked to the doctor 45 minutes prior about this..
So I was able to take the normal medication before going for my adjustment and they gave me nitrous oxide during that time. I was able to stay conscious and alert the whole time without freaking out.. the full exam took about a little over an hour since prep takes a bit. I was definitely tired, I slept on the way to our evening chores, somehow made myself a coffee without knowing, got lost twice, stood in front of a tv not moving for about 15 minutes, then fell asleep for a half hour while waiting for car maintenance to be finished(I do have small blackout moments, common side effect of the meds they give me to relax). We went for lunch, which I'm happy to report didn't hurt, which was the entire reason for my appointment today..

I'm glad to be able to post successes here.. Im still apprehensive, but so far, the dentist office has worked with me well in order to get a mountain of things done that I would've never succeeding in doing normally. And I wouldve been way worse off if I never came to this forum. Everyone on here has been a rock and motivational, I don't think I would be this far without y'all, so thank you so much.

So glad to hear this!!! that it went well and they work with you well and it didn't hurt ! That is all good news and progression. Some real positive momentum build , step by step.. you are doing great! I know this place has been a Godsend for me too, I can't imagine going through what I did without DFC..