• Dental Phobia Support

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Not to be dramatic but honestly, I can't do this

@MagicDuck12 I was absolutely petrified yes, just read my very first posts. I was basically shaking in the waiting room on completely irresponsible amounts of stuff like 60mg of Diazepam (Valium) and Pregablin, both of which I just kept taking and taking on the day of my appointment and in the lead up I went a bit overboard.

But you know what? The embarrassment in my day to day life, the fear of losing all my teeth and stress of it all became more of a worry than actually going to the dentist. It got to the point that being scared or embarrassed at the dentist was the lesser of two evils. Regarding your situation and still fearing it once you've been in there a few times I dunno what to advise. Once I was in there and got over the initial checkup, which is what I feared most - someone actually closely looking inside something I've tried to hide for years, and knowing for sure the work I had to have done - I was alright.

The worse part for me is just the initial injections, and honestly they're not that bad at all. I'd say the worse one I've had so far (out of 3 appointments) felt like if you have a fingernail and just push it a little into your gum. In fact that was probably worse, I did it just now. The plastic dam they put over your mouth is slightly uncomfortable, but after 30 seconds you get used to it. After that the work they do actually feels kind of good in the sense they're getting rid of something horrible (the decay) and making me look more normal.

Anyone have a thought on my original new comment said just now? I noticed over the last week the front tooth filling I had done about 2-3 weeks ago is discolouring and it's bought me literally back to square one regarding the anxiety, as I'm gonna subconsciously now try to hide it. I had a few days/weeks where I was just starting to not worry and being more expressive...now this.
The situation you describe, the feelings you describe, the "worst of its out the way with a checkup", the injection sensations you describe, none of it tallies with my life and feelings of pain in the past. Nor am I embarrassed about my teeth.

I appreciate you taking time to try and help me but I don't resonate with your experience and thats on me apologies.
Anyone have a thought on my original new comment said just now?

Maybe ask this in the "Ask a Dentist" section? (a photo might be helpful but not essential)
@Whyohwhy12 unfortunately not much has changed with me. I’m still terrified to even see a dentist so I’m still just suffering and causing more issues (more than likely) due to avoiding it. My gums are in bad shape and extremely uncomfortable. I’m still having issues with my bite due to clenching and grinding. I wake up every morning either in pain or discomfort. Honestly I just wish I could go back to my old bite when my teeth didn’t touch. Grinding my teeth in my sleep was never an issue back then and now it’s every night. Sleep used to be the one thing in life that I still enjoyed (my escape from reality I guess) and now I pretty much avoid it and try not to sleep at night because I’m afraid the grinding and clenching is causing damage. Hopefully one day I will be able to find the courage to go seek help but at this point I don’t know when that will be. I still have yet to have anything but soft food and my wisdom teeth were removed in May… I haven’t eaten any real food in months and now it’s because I developed a fear to chew.. I can’t seem to win… my teeth are so uncomfortable that I refuse to chew anything. Even if I start to lightly chew my teeth and gums feel weird and it makes me stop so I don’t really bother. I think at this point therapy is the only thing that would truly help me but unfortunately it is too expensive. If I can find anything that will work with my crappy insurance I will take it but I doubt that will be the case.
@MagicDuck12 I'm in the same boat you're not alone in thinking that, I'm currently struggling with the same thing...